by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “Est-ce que le salut s’obtient par la foi seule, ou par la foi plus des œuvres ?”
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “Je suis Catholique, pourquoi devrais-je envisager de devenir Chrétien ?”
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “Les sept sacrements catholiques sont-ils bibliques ?”
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “Qu’est-ce que le sacrement catholique de la Sainte Eucharistie ? Quelle définition les Catholiques donnent-ils à la célébration de la Sainte Eucharistie ?”
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “Quelle est l’origine de l’Eglise Catholique ?”
Using shock collars on dogs is worse than choking or hitting them.
The average domestic pet, such as a dog, cat—even a goldfish—can also provide many therapeutic and health benefits. Pets can ease loneliness, reduce stress, promote social interaction, encourage exercise and playfulness, and provide unconditional love and affection. Caring for a pet may even help you live longer.
by Olive Tree
The Complete Jewish Bible expresses the “original and essential Jewishness” of the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Just as beautiful art can inspire and ennoble, degrading art can depress and demean. The degradation of art in America has reached epidemic proportions.
By Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Founder/Director of Ariel Ministries
Shema Yisroel Adonai Elochenu Adonai Echad
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