by IFES ministry
Europe cannot be understood without Christianity and its influence in all areas of life: justice, compassion, human dignity and responsibility. If the Gospel had not been preached here, Europe would have remained an insignificant peninsula on the continent of Asia. But Europe has always been a synthesis between Christianity and paganism.
By Randy Hurst
Young Europeans are surrounded by Christian imagery, but they are far from a saving knowledge of Jesus. Some of their ancestors several generations ago genuinely worshipped and served the Savior, but that is not enough. Every new generation is potentially an unreached people group.
by shieldoffaith
Heaven is a place we all want to see and live for eternity! Our eyes, minds and imaginations could never quite comprehend it’s encompassing beauty and glory. One day, those of us who are born again Christians, will know this beauty, where all pain, suffering and tears will be absent!
by Matt Slick
Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the privilege of place where we touch the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord.
by Matt Slick
When someone appeals to God and seeks forgiveness in Jesus, his sins are removed, he is cleansed, his relationship with God is restored, and he is made a new creature. All of this is the work of God, not man.
by Matt Slick
Prayer is essential in the Christian’s life. Without it your witness will be far less effective and you will be far more vulnerable to the enemy. When you witness, you need the blessing and support of the Lord.
by Roger Oakland
October 2nd, 2013
Anti-Christian sentiment is growing toward those who believe in a biblical last days scenario prior to Christ’s return. An article by a Lutheran leader shows not only this growing resentment towards Bible-believing Christians but also the interspritual path this change in attitude is taking.
By Carl Teichrib
This is the crux of global social change: a “new type of thinking” that bridges international education, global ethics, world political unity, and the emergence of a “planetary spirituality.” It is the desire to shape and mold man according to man’s image. It is the desire to re-cast history and human endeavor to conform with a centralized-utopian version of a “world society.
by TBC Staff
Dec 12 2013
You, pray for us? We pray for you … because South Korean and American churches believe challenges in the Christian faith are solved by money, freedom and politics. It’s only when all you have is God do you realize God is all you need.
by gotquestions
Practicing reflexology can be seen as giving approval to the all-encompassing energy teachings of such religions as New Age and Hinduism, which are diametrically opposed to biblical Christianity.
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