by jesus-is-saviour
Most holistic healers believe that illness is a spiritual condition, and they use methods based in occultism and Eastern religious views. Acupuncture originates in the belief that the yin-yang forces flow along invisible pathways in the body called meridians.
by John Lanagan
February 4th, 2014
Christians in Alcoholics Anonymous are standing in agreement with a belief system that lifts up strange gods. In Alcoholics Anonymous, all gods are considered equal and are called “the higher power,” thus relegating Christ our King to commonality as if He were simply one nameless deity among many.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
The Rapture ia the promise is that someday very soon, at the blowing of a trumpet and the shout of an archangel, Jesus will appear in the sky and take up His Church, living and dead, to Heaven.
by Raymond Ibrahim
January 21, 2014
Prominent indicators confirm that the U.S. is the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.
by Rapture Forums
We’ve provided several maps and charts in order to help you with your Bible study. These Bible maps and charts will help you bring the Bible to life with detailed visual aids to enrich your understanding of the scriptures.
By Majid Rafizadeh
The top ten countries for persecuting Christians over the last year were ranked: North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen, according to Open Doors USA, an organization that monitors and exposes Christian persecution around the globe.
by Russ Wise
There are probably few subjects as shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding as that of Freemasonry. Known under a variety of names (the Craft, the Brotherhood, the Order, the Fraternal Order, the Lodge, etc.), Masonry has been aligned with both the Christian church and the occult.
by Erwin de Castro, B.J. Oropeza, and Ron Rhodes
One of the most serious concerns regarding the Christian’s possible involvement with the martial arts stems from the fact that a good majority of them originated in Asian cultures permeated by a variety of Eastern religions.
by Erwin de Castro, B. J. Oropeza and Ron Rhodes
High-flying kicks combined with deadly punches and lethal throws. A lone warrior single-handedly overpowering a band of burly attackers; An old sage imparting wisdom to a young, attentive disciple. These images depict how many people perceive the martial arts.
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