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The Upcoming Psychologized Generation

by T.A. McMahon

Most Christians, including many who claim to look to the Bible as their authority in all matters of living their lives in submission to the Lord, give only lip service to the sufficiency of God’s Word. In other words, they contradict their professing belief in biblical authority by looking elsewhere for solutions to solving life’s problems, primarily by turning to so-called authorities or “experts”–and particularly to psychologists.

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DNA Study Contradicts Human/Chimp Common Ancestry

by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
November 15, 2011

Evolutionary biologists argue that since human and chimp DNA are nearly identical, both species must have evolved from a common ancestor. However, creation scientists have pointed out that their DNA is, in fact, very dissimilar. The vast majority of each species’ DNA sequence is not genes, but instead regulated gene expression. A new report unmistakably confirmed that the regulatory DNA of humans is totally different from that of chimps, revealing no hint of common ancestry.

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Why should we study the Old Testament?

by gotquestions

The Bible is a progressive revelation. If you skip the first half of any good book and try to finish it; you will have a hard time understanding the characters, the plot, and the ending. In the same way, the New Testament is only completely understood when it is seen as being built upon the foundation of the events, characters, laws, sacrificial system, covenants, and promises of the Old Testament.

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The New Age Movement – Paul Seiler

By Rev. Paul Seiler

The New Age movement is not a cult as such, with a single cult leader. Rather it is a a general religious and philosophical approach to life that is shared by many cults and societies operating in the world today. The New Age movement is a common world view which is fundamentally Hinduistic in character. One of the primary ideals of this movement is oneness of mankind. Some New Agers see this in the eventual formation of a one world government and a one world religion.

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The New Age Movement

By Rev. Paul Seiler

The New Age movement is not a cult as such, with a single cult leader. Rather it is a a general religious and philosophical approach to life that is shared by many cults and societies operating in the world today. The New Age movement is a common world view which is fundamentally Hinduistic in character. One of the primary ideals of this movement is oneness of mankind.

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By Rev. Paul Seiler

Astrology is exceedingly popular in the Western world today. One can hardly pick up a newspaper without finding an astrological chart somewhere in it. Many television programs and radio stations have regular astrological programs, where you can hear the latest predictions for your life.

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Divination and Fortune Telling

By Rev. Paul Seiler

Divination has been practiced from ancient times, it was one of the abominable practices of the Canaanites, condemned by God. It has been regularly practiced hroughout the ages in almost every culture. One of the oldest forms of divination is the use of a rod and pendulum. The second oldest form is astrology and then palmistry. Divination is widespread in Australia and the Western world in our day.

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