By Rev. Paul Seiler
The Unification Church is today a cult that exists in many countries of the world. It was founded by Sun Myung Moon. The Unification Church regard Moon as the Messiah and their Church as the true Church on earth.
By Rev. Paul Seiler
In recent year there has been an incredible growth in Buddhism in the Western world. Zen is among the more popular Buddhist sects operating in the West. Its popularity no doubt can be found in its experience centredness. It teaches that man through meditation can experience the ultimate experience – satori.
By Rev. Paul Seiler
Satanism is by no means a new phenomenon, it goes back hundreds of years and was first practiced in Europe in the Middle Ages. Satanism made a big come back in the mid 1960’s and the thing which appears to have sparked it off was the Paramount Picture box office smash hit “Rosemary’s Baby”.
By Rev. Paul Seiler
Witchcraft has a very long history, it usually referred to someone who would caste spells and perform magic. Modern witchcraft while holding some characteristics of this ancient practice has its own pecularities which are exceedingly evil.
By Rev. Paul Seiler
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi onsidered that he had found the answer to the worlds problems. He believed that he had discovered a technique that would revolutionise the world, and put an end to warfare. Finding little response to his teaching in India, he decided to promote his teaching in the West. His cult was given a great boost in England when George Harrison of the Beatles came in contact with him and embraced his teaching.
In Buddhist thought, there is no supreme being, no Creator, no omnipotent omnipresent God, no loving Lord over his creation. Ultimate reality is an impersonal void or emptiness (Sunyata). Only the void is permanent.
by goodnewspost
Buddhism is a very important part of the culture there. It is “engrained” in the habits and lifestyle of millions of Asian people.
by Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Wicca is an eclectic religious belief system centering around gods, goddesses, and nature worship.
By Mary Fairchild
Have you struggled with prayer? Does prayer seem like an exercise in eloquent speech that you just don’t possess? Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout. Prayer is simply communicating with God—listening and talking to him.
by Diane Dew
‘… human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning … human beings who never should have been born.’ – Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder, referring to immigrants and poor people.
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