By Joel C. Rosenberg
January 22, 2013
Since 1973, Americans have had more than 55 million abortions. Unless we change course, the number will soon be 60 million. Consider the horror of that fact. We as a nation will soon have murdered ten times more Americans than the number of Jews that the Nazis killed during the Holocaust.
By Jennifer Rosenberg
Beginning on April 6, 1994, Hutus began slaughtering the Tutsis in the African country of Rwanda. As the brutal killings continued, the world stood idly by and just watched the slaughter. Lasting 100 days, the Rwanda genocide left approximately 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers dead.
by Nicole Kempton
January 7, 2010
Women are still under threat throughout the world. Nowhere is this more apparent than in China, where the coercive population control policy, informally known as the “One Child Policy,” represents an unprecedented State intrusion concerning women’s reproductive choices.
by Alex Newman
12 July 2012
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is under heavy fire after an investigation by the Population Research Institute (PRI) showed yet again that the UN is working with the communist dictatorship ruling mainland China to enforce its barbaric “one-child” policy — complete with forced abortions, involuntary sterilization, kidnapping of “illegal” children, and other brutal tactics. The evidence of UN complicity in the atrocious human rights violations is undeniable, according to PRI President Steven Mosher (pictured above), who said U.S. taxpayers should permanently halt funding to the global anti-population agency.
by Alex Newman
02 January 2014
The United Nations and its oftentimes barbaric population-control apparatus are under fire again after releasing a deeply controversial report claiming that the African population of Kenya is too large and growing too quickly. To deal with the supposed “challenge,” as the UN and its “partners” in the national government put it, international bureaucrats are demanding stepped up efforts to brainwash Kenyan women into wanting fewer children. Also on the agenda: more taxpayer-funded “family-planning” and “reproductive-health” schemes to reduce the number of Africans to levels considered “desirable” by the UN.
by William F. Jasper
16 January 2010
Hillary ClintonPresident Obama and Congress may be wrangling still on major issues in the nationalized healthcare legislation — abortion coverage, rationing, end-of-life counseling … and how to pay for it — but the administration, nevertheless, has announced its intention to push forward with a $63 billion global ObamaCare plan. With little media fanfare or coverage, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on January 8 that the Obama administration had recently succeeded in supplying “more than $648 million in foreign assistance to family planning and reproductive health programs worldwide.” And she said another $63 billion is on the way, courtesy of Obama’s Global Health Initiative.
by William F. Jasper
19 January 2010
What the Clinton and Obama statements do not mention is that the Obama Global Health Initiative is not an Obama initiative at all, but merely his continuation and expansion of the UN’s global population control program, which is a priority concern for some of the world’s wealthiest elites who want to see the planet’s human population drastically reduced. The real initiators of Obama’s GHI are Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller, the World Economic Forum, the Clinton Global Initiative, the United Nations Foundation, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
by Alex Newman
9 July 2012
In essence, then, the true agenda had little to do with “sustainability,” poverty, or a so-called “green economy” — participants in the secret meeting admitted that the term itself was still largely undefined. Instead, Rio+20 was more about eroding national sovereignty, concentrating coercive power at the global level, centrally planning the world economy, chipping away at private property rights, reducing the population, spreading abortion and contraception worldwide, using “education” to brainwash future generations into accepting the state of affairs, building more bureaucracies, and more.
by Alex Newman
31 August 2012
The official GOP platform approved at the Republican National Convention in Tampa included tough language rejecting the United Nations “sustainability” scheme known as Agenda 21 for the threat it represents to national sovereignty, drawing praise from conservative and Tea Party leaders across the country. The Republican Party document also rejected any form of UN global taxes and slammed a wide range of the international body’s controversial programs.
By Klaus Wiegrefe – Spiegel Online International
March 31, 2011
Adolf Eichmann was the chief organizer behind the Nazi mass murder of Europe’s Jews. Following the end of the war, he found refuge in a village in northern Germany before ultimately escaping to Argentina. Fifty years ago, one of the most spectacular trials of the 20th century began in Jerusalem: The State of Israel vs. Adolf Eichmann. The proceedings against the former SS Obersturmbahnführer, who organized the deportations of millions of Jews to Nazi extermination camps, brought the Holocaust to the center of global attention.
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