by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
According to Genesis, Noah and his family disembarked from the Ark and offered a sacrifice to God in thankfulness for their great deliverance. God responded by giving them the rainbow as the sign of His promise to never again judge the earth with a similar flood. The promise came with the command to fill the earth, certainly through worldwide migration.
by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
Scripture contains several “stories” that have been ridiculed more than others. Of these, the six-day creation, the global Flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, and other spectacular works of God receive special criticism. Another mighty act of God that tends to be disbelieved is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
by Sea Shepherd
The Namibian seal hunt is responsible for the largest slaughter of marine mammals on earth and is considered to be the most brutal of all seal culls.
by JC Ryle
There are only two classes of people in the world, in the sight of God There are those who are called the wheat — and there are those who are called the chaff.
by Olive Tree Ministries
Gospel means Good News. And in a world of sin and suffering, we each desperately need God’s Good News. But before we can understand the Gospel, we must understand the bad news.
by A-Omega
May 02, 2012
All your cell phone communication are recorded. Your television not only recognizes you by scanning your facial structure, it can transmit images of your every action in the kitchen to a remote server. Your coffee maker records all of your kitchen conversation for storage in an off-site database. If this sounds like the vision of a future tyrannical society from a sci-fi movie, it’s not.
A hero, an enemy, and a rescue. These are the elements of a good story.
by Dr. Jason Lisle
April 15, 2010
The “big bang” is a story about how the universe came into existence. Billions of years ago the universe began in a tiny, infinitely hot and dense point called a singularity. This singularity supposedly contained not only all the mass and energy that would become everything we see today, but also “space” itself.
by concernedsgcitizen
November 5, 2012
Homosexuality cannot lay claim to its biological purpose, i.e. procreation, the way heterosexuality can. It’s biological origin and hence, rights, is also unproven (point 5). In this, heterosexuality has a legitimacy which homosexuality cannot lay claim to, and the law is obliged to distinguish this fundamental difference. Otherwise, the unproven rights of a group will be pushed at the expense of proven rights of the other group. This includes the rights of our children, which will be compromised.
by Noel Hornor
We are now some 30 years into the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s. What has been the impact on society? What are the implications for the future? Sex is everywhere. It permeates the movies and the television programs we watch, the music we hear, the magazines and books we read, the talk shows we listen to. Society, it seems, is obsessed with sex.
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