By Lighthouse Trails Editors
November 18th, 2006
Leonard Sweet: He is quoted by Christian authors and leaders frequently. His name appears on many Christian ministry websites, and his books are used in countless Christian seminaries and colleges. Rick Warren endorsed the cover of one of his books (Soul Tsunami) and even did an audio series with him (Tides of Change) in the mid nineties.
By www.plankandnails.hubpages.
There is a false Christianity propagating within the Biblical sphere of the Church body. It is leading many astray and is highly deceptive because it subtly cloaks itself in the Christian faith, but “worships” Jesus Christ with ancient pagan (Babylonian) ideologies. This form of doctrine is one of the main contributors to the apostasy that is going on within the church today.
The Emergent Church movement is a philosophical movement that contradicts Biblical truth, and has corrupted many minds, especially many young people today. Those in the movement believe that there is no absolute certainty when it comes to Biblical truth; therefore, there cannot be any real clarity, or absolutes that can be derived from it. It is a form of “Christianity” that holds to relative truth. It is spirituality that they believe that is “noble” and “humble” in this ideology It is a celebration of ignorance and mystery that downplays truth and the fundamentals of the genuine Christian faith.
by Roger Oakland
We live at a period in church history that is characterized by enthusiasm for methods and means that facilitate church growth. Large churches are commonly equated with successful pastors and successful church growth methods. Whatever it takes to reach that objective, is acceptable, we are told. Church growth has become the measuring stick for successful Christianity.
by Craig Branch
Children especially are targeted because most New Agers believe that the innate innocence and sensitivity of children render them much closer to the influences of the spiritual world – such as the spirits who reside there. By reaching children before they have been “corrupted” by Western culture and Christian values, New Agers hope they can educate an entire generation to the spiritual values of New Age philosophy.
By Berit Kjos
June 2nd, 2013
The traditional Christian family has been a continual obstacle to the globalist vision of solidarity. . . . the United Nations and its mental health gurus have fought hard to eradicate those old “poisonous certainties” that stood in their way. . . . The results can be disastrous. Students trained to scorn God’s guidelines and conform to the crowd are . . . soon driven by evolving new notions that undermine all truth and certainty. Carl Teichrib
by Steve Deckard, Ed.D.
Ideas are important. They affect our behavior, our philosophy of life, and ultimately our world view. One such set of ideas being promoted in educational circles is so-called Global Education. The objective of this paper is to expose the hidden agenda of Global Education and show conclusively the links between Global Education, the New Age religion, and evolutionism.
By Beginning and End
February 23, 2013
By portraying Jesus Christ as a murderer, NBC has sunk to a new low in mocking the Christian faith.
By Beginning and End
January 27, 2013
The Noah movie does not tell the Biblical account of Noah and the Ark. While there will be much hype and excitement for this movie, the early reports indicate that the Noah film will not be in line with the Biblical account of Noah’s ark and the flood, but instead will push a liberal, political message focused on the environmental agenda.
By Beginning and End
March 17, 2013
Unfortunately the producers of the miniseries did not follow The Bible closely.
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