by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
According to Genesis, Noah and his family disembarked from the Ark and offered a sacrifice to God in thankfulness for their great deliverance. God responded by giving them the rainbow as the sign of His promise to never again judge the earth with a similar flood. The promise came with the command to fill the earth, certainly through worldwide migration.
by John D. Morris, Ph.D. *
Scripture contains several “stories” that have been ridiculed more than others. Of these, the six-day creation, the global Flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, and other spectacular works of God receive special criticism. Another mighty act of God that tends to be disbelieved is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
By Geoffrey Grider
September 5, 2011
“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: ” Matthew 25:41 Oh, I know death doesnt “scare you” now. Not now while you’re healthy, life is good and death seems so far off and remote. But as sure as the sun rises, your end will arrive, and so much sooner than you think.
By Raphael Ahren
July 8, 2013
It’s time to get out, urges Prof. Robert Wistrich, a leading authority on anti-Semitism. And he’s one of the scholars who dismisses a claim that 150 million EU citizens have demonic views of Israel.
By Menachem Z Rosensaft
20th April 2013
This speech was delivered on April 21, 2013, at Bergen-Belsen, Germany, marking the 68th anniversary of that concentration camp’s liberation.
By the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
“If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one… This book is about lies and slander.”
—Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
by Joel C Rosenberg
June 15, 2013
You’ve really got to hand it to Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The man is one of the most evil tyrants on the face of the earth. He is pursuing nuclear weapons to wipe Israel and the U.S. off the map. He wants to usher in the caliphate of the Twelfth Imam and bring about the apocalyptic End of Days.
By Paul Proctor
It’s time to prepare for hard times, my friends. And, if you’re a bible-believing, Christ-following Christian, I believe the coming years will be particularly troublesome. The enemies of Christ have clearly risen to great power in this country and are, even as I write, busy endeavoring to finish off what remains of the church for the purpose of replacing it with a god and religion more suitable for global government.
By Berit Kjos
May 25, 2013
Unbeknownst to most parents, America’s public schools are teaching their children to use mindfulness meditation (Eastern-style meditation or TM). In a New York Times article titled “In the Classroom, a New Focus on Quieting the Mind,” elementary children in an Oakland, California school are promised peace and loving-kindness if they will learn to meditate. An eleven-year-old explains, “I was losing at baseball, and I was about to throw a bat . . . The mindfulness really helped.”1 While that may sound like a great thing to a lot of teachers, the article acknowledges where this comes from:
By Berit Kjos
June 2nd, 2013
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!1—Adolph Hitler
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