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The Necessity of Anti-Sharia Laws

Robert Spencer
March 13, 2012

Louisiana, Arizona, and Tennessee have already passed legislation restricting the use of foreign law in state courtrooms, and twenty-one other states are considering similar laws.  These statutes are designed to halt the use of Islamic law, sharia, by American judges — a measure that many see as necessary, since sharia has already been involved in cases in twenty-three states. 

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“Grand Deception” documentary by Steven Emerson racks up film festival honors

IPT News
May 17, 2013

“Jihad in America: The Grand Deception,” a new film by Director Steven Emerson, was honored this week as the best documentary at the 2013 International Beverly Hills Film Festival. The 70-minute film focuses on the Muslim Brotherhood and its penetration in the United States. It features documents and recordings from federal investigations, undercover recordings and interviews with FBI agents, federal prosecutors and Muslim experts on radical Islam.

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Fox News Showcases Emerson’s New Documentary “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception”

Steve Emerson
January 4, 2013

There is a new film coming out that takes a look at a group called the Muslim Brotherhood and its influence around the world and here at home. The documentary is called The Grand Deception and it describes what the film makers call the dual nature of the Muslim Brotherhood. To the outside world it tries to present a moderate image, claim the film makers, all the while hiding more radical goals including goals for America.

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History of the Muslim Brotherhood Penetration of the U.S. Government

by Clare M. Lopez
15 April 2013

Given the long history of Muslim Brotherhood activity in this country, its declared objective to “destroy the Western civilization from within,” and the extensive evidence of successful influence operations at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it is urgent that we recognize this clear and present danger that threatens not only our Republic but the values of Western civilization.

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North Korean Christians Remain Faithful amid War Threat

George Thomas CBN News

“Your life is marked with risk the moment you decide to accept Jesus Christ as savior,” he said. “That’s the price you pay for being a member of the underground Church.” “My entire family, including my children and parents, were always evangelizing,” Mr. Bae said. “Of course, we did this in secret and we had to be careful. But the authorities became suspicious.”

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World Report 2013 – North Korea

Human Rights Watch

Kim Jong-Un’s succession as North Korea’s supreme leader after the death of his father, Kim Jong-Il, in December 2011 had little impact on the country’s dire human rights record.

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Eastern meditation sneaks into the church

by Prof. Johan Malan

There is a widespread resurgence of Eastern meditation among nominal Christians in the West. In many churches and other Christian circles, prayer is increasingly replaced by meditation, which is also described as contemplation, centering prayers, or quiet prayers. Meditation is often accompanied by Yoga relaxation exercises and relaxed breathing in order to promote a mental shift from the rational left brain to the intuitive right brain.

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