by Todd Kappelman
Since his death in 1945, and especially in the last ten years, Bonhoeffer’s writings have been stirring remarkable interest among Christians, old and young alike. Thus, we are going to examine the merits of reading the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We will do this by examining the man and his particular place in the canon of Christian writers, his background and historical setting, and finally three of his most important and influential works.
by Walid Shoebat
I used to be a terrorist. I carried a bomb and tried to lynch an Israeli at a young age. Terrorism is taught at a very young age. I was 6 years old, going to kindergarten, and the first song that we learned was “Arabs are beloved, and Jews are dogs.” We were commanded to want to throw all the Jews in the sea.
by Marcia Montenegro
The Human Potential Movement and related teachings are based on human-centered psychology; on beliefs that one is in complete control of one’s destiny and that one deserves worldly success; and on Eastern/New Age/occult teachings about the self and the world.
by Randall Price
In the Bible Jerusalem occupies a strategic position with respect to two major prophetic periods: “the times of the Gentiles” and “the seventy weeks of Daniel. In the case of “the times of the Gentiles,” the city prophetically marks the beginning and ending of this period that stretches from the Babylonian destruction (587 B.C.) until the Second Advent of Christ.
by Matt Leasher
When one examines the geographical scope of Bible prophecy one can’t help but easily observe the divine prominence of the nation of Israel and rightfully so as God has undoubtedly chosen Israel to be the centerpiece for fulfilling His purpose for all of history.
by Prof Johan Malan
A very clear prophetic scenario of the first and last generations of the present dispensation is described by Jesus in His Olivet Discourse. Both these generations are characterised by the coexistence of Israel and the Church. In the first generation, the Church was established and phased in, while Israel was on a course of being phased out by way of the Diaspora. In the last generation, Israel is restored and phased in while the Church must prepare itself to be phased out by way of the rapture.
by Berit Kjos
“If we will not be governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants.” William Penn, 1 March 1701
by Bill Wilson
According to the World Health Organization, natural disasters made 2010 the deadliest and most costly year in the past 40 years. Over 250,000 people died as a result of earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards and landslides. The financial cost was in excess of $222 billion. Now scientists are trying to make the case that global warming and pollution are causing these disasters and the impact is twice as bad as terrorism, which has cost–according to the US State Department, only 115,000 lives in the past 40 years. See where this is headed–that it is more important to crack down on those contributing to large carbon footprints than it is to worry about Islamic terrorists.
by Helen van Huyssteen Bosman
This prophecy is the most important Messianic prophecy in the Bible because it gives specific timetables for the two comings of the Messiah.
by David Ramgeet
The continued persistence to exclude God from our daily lives has been fueling moral decline in our society and the world over.
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