by Macedonia Project
You rarely hear about it on the news. You even rarely hear about it in churches in the West, in the East, or even in the Middle East. But the big, untold story is that more Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ today than at any other time in history. More than 1 million Shia Muslims have turned to Christ since 1979. In Pakistan, there are now more than 2.5 million followers of Jesus Christ. In Sudan, there are now more than 5 million followers of Christ.
by Ernest Valea
Many people who accept reincarnation in the West today claim that it can be scientifically proven. They usually ground their belief on past-life recall experiences, which represent the ability of certain persons to recall facts of alleged previous lives. This phenomenon occurs under two distinct forms. One is observed under hypnosis, while regressing certain persons beyond the date of birth. The other is produced by some children who spontaneously remember a previous life identity, amazing their neighbors with specific details that match those of the life of a deceased person. Could these experiences really be proofs for reincarnation?
by Ron Rhodes
Today approximately 30 million Americans believe in reincarnation. The process of reincarnation – continual rebirths in human bodies – allegedly continues until the soul has reached a state of perfection and merges back with its source.
by Arthur Maricle, Ph.D.
The Inquisition was a terrifying fact of life to those who lived in areas where it was in force. That domain would eventually include not only much of Europe, but also the far-flung colonies of Europe’s Catholic powers.
by Dave Hunt
The emperors, in partnership with the popes, maintained “the unity of the faith” by persecuting and killing in the name of Christ those who dared to disagree with their dogmas and decrees.
by Dave Miller, Ph.D.
The Catholic Church are forthright and unreserved in declaring her to be the “mother of God,” and in sanctioning the offering of worship to her, and assigning to her an intercessory role.
by Michael Houdmann
The issue concerning any church and its practices should be “Is this Biblical?” If a teaching is Biblical, it should be embraced. If it is not, it should be rejected.
by Matt Slick
It is necessary to write a page on Roman Catholicism because there are significant differences between Protestant and Roman Catholic doctrines. Protestants accuse the Catholics of being unscriptural and the Catholics state that the Protestants do not have the true faith carried through the centuries by the Catholic Church. On which ever side you fall, the real issue is whether or not the Roman Catholic Church is representing true Christianity.
by Matt Slick
Transubstantiation is the teaching that during the Mass, at the consecration in the Lord’s Supper (Communion), the elements of the Eucharist, bread and wine, are transformed into the actual body and blood of Jesus and that they are no longer bread and wine, but only retain their appearance of bread and wine.
by Matt Slick
Roman Catholicism teaches that when Jesus said “Do this in remembrance of me,” he gave the apostles and hence his future priests the power to change bread and wine into his body and blood. Therefore, during the ceremony of the Mass during the part of the liturgy known as the consecration, the priest changes of bread and wine into Christ’s body and blood.
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