by Hillel Fendel
Jacques Gauthier, a non-Jewish Canadian lawyer who spent 20 years researching the legal status of Jerusalem, has concluded: “Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, by international law.”
Gauthier has written a doctoral dissertation on the topic of Jerusalem and its legal history, based on international treaties and resolutions of the past 90 years.
by Mike R. Taylor
Judo teachers generally agree that by using Judo alone, no woman would be able confidently to defend herself against attacks by men. For example, a 6-foot man would have hit his victim long before she could get near enough to throw him. Only a large person who had done many years of training would find Judo an effective form of self-defence — and then possibly against only one person.
by Rev. Scott Stewart
August 2010
The very existence of the small democratic Jewish nation of Israel thriving amidst a sea of Islamic dictatorships is truly a modern-day miracle. Emerging from the ashes of the Shoah (the Holocaust), this ragtag group of people was to ascend to the heights in every area expertise and professionalism ranging from entertainment to cosmetology to science.
by John Griffing
August 20, 2009
“Islamic lands that were occupied by the enemies will once again become Islamic” – Ali Al-Faqir, the Jordanian Minister for Religous Endowment
by Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon The Berean Call
Non-Muslims who equate Islam with peace and tolerance are simply ignorant. Muslim leaders, however, who do so are knowingly saying whatever is expedient for the furtherance of Islam’s goal of world dominion.
by Brigitte Gabriel
Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate, writes to Helen Thomas. Dear Helen: From One American Lebanese Journalist To another…With a great deal of disappointment I watched your interview, replayed over and over on television, in which you said that Jews should “go back home to Poland and Germany.”
by Wikiislam and Mark Gabriel
Muslims often (sometimes falsely) advertise news of non-Muslims converting to Islam, but they don’t tell the other side of the story where Muslims are leaving Islam too.
by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
“The city of Jerusalem, sacred to Christians, Moslems and Jews, is at the heart of the Middle East conflict,” – so wrote the pastor of a Palestinian congregation in Jerusalem. The idea that there is an equally shared importance of Jerusalem is a common misconception. Even Israeli tour guides, in their introduction to the city, monotonously repeat, “Jerusalem is holy to the three great monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam,” as if this were a wholly accurate description.
by Dean Robinson
According to the Bible, Allah is not God, Muhammed is not his prophet, and the Koran is not the Word of God. Islam is a false religion and utterly without power to save from sin because it doesn’t recognize Jesus Christ as the Saviour.
by Alan M. Dershowitz
Of all the nations on the face of the earth, Israel has the most lawful origin. It was conceived in law, born through law, and has survived lawfully. It is not among the nations, such as the United States, born in bloodshed through revolution. Nor has it, like other nations, been expanded through aggressive warfare. It was not settled by outsiders, as were Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, and other countries.
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