by Rabbi Schlomo Lewis
We are at war… yet too many stubbornly and foolishly don’t put the pieces together and refuse to identify the evil doers. We are circumspect and disgracefully politically correct.
by The Berean Call
It was the year 1569, at the height of Catholicism’s Spanish Inquisition in Holland. Dirk Willems, a humble and pious follower of Jesus Christ, lay in prison awaiting a fiery death at the stake. His crime? Having been rebaptized upon confession of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The official town records stated that the prisoner, “…persisting obstinately in his opinion…shall be executed by fire, until death….”
by Ricki Hollander
Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel’s capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine.
by Bill Wilson
During the weekend of November 13, many Christian churches across the United States began a series of sermons aimed at bringing about reconciliation between Muslims and Christians.These misguided Presbyterian ministers are trying to focus on a relationship between the Holy Bible and the Koran they call “Chrislam.” They are saying that because the Koran mentions Jesus that there is common ground with Christianity. To prove their point, they are placing Korans along side the Holy Bible in their pews. And they are teaching that you can be a follower of Christ without necessarily believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who died for our sins offering the gift of eternal salvation.
by Bill Muehlenberg
Chrislam, as the name suggests, is a growing movement wherein some Christians are seeking to find common ground with Muslims. Indeed, it actually seeks to combine Christianity with Islam. It is a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries”.
by Sandy Simpson
Is the god of Islam, Allah, the same as the God of Israel and Christianity, YHVH? Does Allah have a son? Does YHVH have a Son? What other teachings from the Koran show that Islam is a different religion than biblical Christianity? Here is a side by side chart that might prove helpful in your research on this subject.
by Cheryl Hauer
As turmoil continues in the Middle East, one organization whose name has surfaced often is the Muslim Brotherhood. Some in Western media describe the Brotherhood as a moderate organization that eschews violence and stands on a platform of humanitarianism and democracy. Others portray the group as radical and militant, with a history of violence and a very political agenda. In the final analysis, perhaps there is some truth in both views.
by Nonie Darwish
Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf claims that the U.S. constitution is Sharia compliant. Now let us examine below a few laws of Sharia to see how truthful Imam Rauf is:
by Walid Shoebat
I always say at the beginning of my speeches “confession is the beginning of healing.” There is no healing without confession. My name is Walid Shoebat and I was a Palestinian terrorist. I lived the life of a terrorist as I was growing up. Today, unfortunately we live in a world filled with ignorance and hate. Most people will say they have done something horrible in their life. I used to be a terrorist. I carried a bomb and tried to lynch an Israeli at a young age.
by Dr. AD Hart
Over 60% of children andteenagers partake in ‘chat rooms’ on a daily basis. Three out of four children are willing to share personal information about themselves and their family online in exchange for goods and services. It is also true that at least one out of five children will be targeted by a predator or paedophile each year.
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