by Sara Farr
Horse racing has a reputation for elegance and attracts many wealthy owners and audience members. These pretty wrappings hide dark secrets. The reality of horse racing is as far from high heels and limousines as you can get.
by The Conversation
October 21, 2019
There are things the industry can do to extend the life of a racehorse, and help find a suitable home once their racing career is over.
by Austin Ruse
If, as proponents suggested, overpopulation was a dire threat to the entire planet, then policy makers believed that some populations must be forced to reduce their number.
by RaeLeann Smith
Although racing has a wide audience in the United States, few know how racehorses are bred, trained, and handled and what happens to those who are slow or aging or who suffer injuries.
by Olivia Cavallaro
April 12, 2021
The Napa Legal Institute revealed the full extent of how Big Tech censors Christians and other religious organizations, highlighting the hostile attitude of Silicon Valley leaders on faith-based organizations.
by Cheryl Markland – Childhood Ministry
Important things you need to know about children in preparation for the privilege of talking with them about becoming a Christ-follower.
by Truth for kids
This article has been written with caution and with the acknowledgement that there are things only God knows: the age of accountability of each child is one of them.
by Minni Elkins
February 4, 2021
An African evangelist’s death last month from COVID brought to light his tremendous life story for me, a story that highlights the transforming power of Jesus in a dark world of abuse, drugs, and violence.
by Cameron Buettel
August 23, 2021
Tolerance has become the new litmus test of common decency in secular society. Anything less than a full-fledged endorsement and validation of every worldview, lifestyle, and personal preference is enough to label you as intolerant and cast you out to the fringes of society.
by John MacArthur
What is the Scriptural basis for an ‘ge of accountability’ regarding a child’s salvation?
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