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Where Would You Expect to Find Flood Fossils?

by Dave Miller, Ph.D.

If the Bible is the inspired Word of God, its record of the global Flood is completely factual (Genesis 6-9). If the entire world was at one time covered in water for over a year, then one would expect to find evidence of sea life on mountains all over the world. If, on the other hand, the Bible is dismissed out of hand as fiction, one would have to postulate alternative explanations to account for the physical evidence on Earth that point to a global Flood.

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Pangea and the Flood

by Kyle Butt, M.A.

Anyone who has taken time to examine a globe in detail has probably noticed that the continents look like they could fit together. Often, this appearance has been likened to a jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of which have been pulled apart. It is not difficult to imagine the continents fitting together as one large land mass.

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Hitler—The Ultimate Evolutionist

by Kyle Butt, M.A.

In the formation of his racial policies, [Hitler] relied heavily upon the Darwinian evolution model.  They culminated in the “final solution,” the extermination of approximately six million Jews and four million other people who belonged to what German scientists judged were “inferior races”.

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Darwin, Evolution, and Racism

by Eric Lyons, M.Min. Kyle Butt, M.A.

Adolf Hitler was attempting to breed a superior Arian race of humans. This plan fit perfectly with Darwin’s understanding of natural selection.

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Darwin in Light of 150 Years of Error

by Eric Lyons, M.Min. and Kyle Butt, M.A.

If the latter part of 2009 is anything like its beginning, this year will go down in secular history as the year of Charles Darwin. The scientific establishment is rallying virtually its entire arsenal of resources to celebrate the life and writings of Charles Darwin.

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Super Bugs – Not Super After All!

by Carl Wieland M.B., B.S.

Bacteria actually provide evidence against evolution. The bacteria we have with us today are essentially the same as those described by Robert Koch a century ago. In fact, there are bacteria found fossilized in rock layers, claimed by evolutionists to be millions of years old, which as far as one can tell are the same as bacteria living today.

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When Science and Magic Combine: The Shameless Fraud known as Darwinian Evolution

by Jeremy James

Like most college students in our modern, materialistic world, I was taught to believe in the so-called science of evolution. All the usual proofs were trotted out and we were expected to accept that the staggering diversity of life that we see around us was simply the product of a long series of random genetic mutations. This seemed a rather naive way of explaining phenomena which, even to my limited understanding, seemed incredibly complex. Given sufficient time, could an elephant really evolve from a primitive micro-organism through multiple stages of ever-increasing complexity?

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Hooray for eugenics!’ How American Bible-rejecting churches supported Nazi-like policies

by Russell Grigg

Many people have said or thought this since Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, invented the term ‘eugenics’ in 1883.[1] Since then, the cheerleaders for this offspring of evolution have included racists of many different nationalities, such as Hitler’s Nazis, as well as enthusiasts for the ‘right’ to abortion, euthanasia, and now in the 21st century, human destruction for embryonic stem-cell research. This is of course consistent with the belief they all share, namely that people are all just evolved animals.

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Piltdown Man

by A.J.Monty White
February 6, 2006 

Piltdown Man was held forth as a missing link in human evolution for 40 years, but it turned out to be a complete hoax. In 1912, amateur naturalist Charles Dawson told the Geological Society of London that over the previous four years fragments of a skull, half of a lower jawbone, and a tooth had been found at the Piltdown gravel pit in Sussex.

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