by David Cloud
On a recent preaching trip to the States I visited the Museum of Man in San Diego and the Lucy Legacy exhibit in Seattle. Both featured alleged evidence for evolution in the form of the “missing links” between man and beast.
by David Cloud
August 7, 2018
It has been said that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ and I have no doubt that more people have been influenced to believe in evolution by artwork than by words. From its inception, Darwinian evolution has been popularized by art.
by David Cloud
Ernst Haeckel, inventor of the deceptive embryo chart and Java Man, also helped spread the Neanderthal myth. The first edition of his book History of Creation in 1868 featured a series of drawings depicting man evolving from apes–mandrill, monkey, gibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, gorilla, Tasmanian, African Negro, Australian Negro, Fuegian, Chinese, Indo-German.
by Rich Deem
Scripture verses confirming the Creation view.
by United Human Rights Council
The Ukrainian Famine was dreadful famine premeditated by the Soviet Union, headed by Joseph Stalin during 1932-1933, as a means to undermine the nationalistic pride of the Ukrainian people. It served to control and further oppress the Ukrainian people by denying them the basic vital essentials they needed to survive. The Ukrainian Famine is also known as Holodomor, meaning “death by hunger.”
by Teresa Morris
On the surface, Freemasonry looks wholesome. There is fellowship, loyalty, and the support of good causes such as burn units in hospitals. The masonic motto is “Making good men better”.
by Kerby Anderson
14 July 2002
It is helpful to distinguish between mercy-killing and what could be called mercy-dying. Taking a human life is not the same as allowing nature to take its course by allowing a terminal patient to die. The former is immoral (and perhaps even criminal), while the latter is not. Another concern with active euthanasia is that it eliminates the possibility for recovery.
The movement from voluntary to involuntary euthanasia would be like the movement of abortion from “only for the life or health of the mother” as was proclaimed by advocates 30 years ago to today’s “abortion on demand even if the baby is half born”.
by Lori Kalner
In Germany, when Hitler came to power, it was a time of terrible financial depression.The elderly and sick began to disappear from hospitals feet first as “mercy killing” became the policy. Children with disabilities and those who had Down syndrome were euthanized.
by Peter Saunders
November 30, 1994
Twelve Reasons… Why Euthanasia Should Not be Legalised
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