by Russell Grigg
Few ideas have done more harm to the human race in the last 120 years than those of Sir Francis Galton. He founded the evolutionary pseudo-science of eugenics. Today, ethnic cleansing, the use of abortion to eliminate ‘defective’ unborn babies, infanticide, euthanasia, and the harvesting of unborn babies for research purposes all have a common foundation in the survival-of-the-fittest theory of eugenics. So who was Galton, what is eugenics, and how has it harmed humanity?
by Jerry Bergman
Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, the leading organization advocating abortion in the United States today. Darwinism had a profound influence on her thinking, including her conversion to, and active support of, eugenics. She was specifically concerned with reducing the population of the ‘less fit’, including ‘inferior races’ such as ‘Negroes’. One major result of her lifelong work was to support the sexual revolution that has radically changed our society.
by Russell Grigg
Francis Galton, invented the term ‘eugenics’. Since then, the cheerleaders for this offspring of evolution have included racists of many different nationalities, such as Hitler’s Nazis, as well as enthusiasts for the ‘right’ to abortion, euthanasia, and now in the 21st century, human destruction for embryonic stem-cell research. This is of course consistent with the belief they all share, namely that people are all just evolved animals.
by Jennifer Rast
The Bible gives many examples of signs that should warn us of the coming end of the age. Six such signs are given by Jesus, two characteristics are given by Paul, and eleven other occurrences are given by the prophets to occur prior to or soon after the end of the age. While we are also told we will not know the time of the End, God obviously wanted us to know when that time was getting closer. As the Christian church is increasingly drawn into the interfaith movement, and as more and more churches go into isolation, preparing to sleep through the growing attacks on their faith, perhaps God knew it would take a few signs to wake us up and remind us that we have work to do.
by JPN Bible Studies
While there are many key signs to look out for to recognize the end of the age, several are repeated consistently by Jesus Himself, and writers of the New Testament.
by Johan Malan
On 14th May 2005, modern Israel was 57 years old, and in August this year it will be 25 years since Jerusalem was declared to be the eternal capital of Israel. Why is the restoration of Israel and their capital city, Jerusalem, so important to us? The reason for this is because Israel is God’s prophetic clock for end time events. He said that we must look at the fig tree (Israel; cf. Hos. 9:10) if we want to know when the summer of His promised kingdom is near (Luke 21:29-30). With Israel’s restoration, the fig tree started budding but when the Messiah comes the whole remnant of Israel will be saved and bear fruit for the kingdom of God (Isa. 27:6; Zech 12:10).
by Prof Johan Malan
The ideological transformation of South Africa’s government, universities and many of its churches, is part of a world-wide campaign against fundamental Christian doctrines. The constitutional and theological phasing-out of a profession of faith in the Triune God of the Bible and the exclusivity of the Christian faith, is a pre-condition for the introduction of the inclusive, multi-religious dogma of the antichristian New World Order.
The new technology announced on June 1 scans not just fingerprints but also the pattern of blood vessels in the palm of a person’s hand. Furthermore, the quick identification time means consumers may soon be seeing it in places like ATMs, where it could serve as a card-less ID check for withdraws and deposits.
by Warren Smith
The New Age/New Spirituality has continued to make great inroads into the church—particularly in the area of meditation and so-called “contemplative prayer.” Despite grave warnings from many of us that came out of the New Age movement, the church remains extremely vulnerable to deceptive, supernatural experiences that appear to come from God.
by Paul McGuire
May 24, 2012
“60 Second Idea,” in association with the BBC, promoted the ideas of science fiction writer Elizabeth Moon, who believes everyone should be given a bar code at birth. Moon said, “If I were empress of the universe I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached – a barcode if you will; an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast, inexpensive way to identify individuals. It would be imprinted on everyone at birth. Point the scanner at someone and there it is.”
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