by Roger Oakland
The emerging church movement has the potential to reshape or redefine Christianity, as many of its leaders claim it will. While some say these changes are comparable to those that took place during the 16th century reformation, the emerging church reformation is actually a reversal of what occurred in the past. Rather than pointing the lost to the Word of God and out of an apostate church, many are being led to dogmas, traditions, and extra-biblical experiences.
by Eric Barger
The so-called postmodern generation, Emergents claim to have explored all of the avenues of what the Church has historically been, only to find that little or none of it satisfied them. The common bond of the Emergents was and still is a general dissatisfaction for Bible-believing Christianity, though nearly all of them claim to be “Evangelicals”!
by battle 4 truth
Some christian leaders look up to Tony Campolo. What’s even more scary is that some christian youth pastors look up to him and consider Campolo to be a mentor of theirs. I get nervous when I realize this.
by Warren Smith
The apostle Paul went to great lengths to warn the Corinthians not to be deceived by – a “Jesus” that wasn’t Jesus Christ the Son of God, a spirit that wasn’t the Holy Spirit and a gospel that was not the true biblical Gospel.
deur Sarel van der Merwe
Terwyl talle “wagters op die mure” steeds besig is om te waarsku en te stry teen vorige dwaalstrominge, het die mees resente stroom van geestelike misleiding byna ongemerk die Christelike Kerk wêreldwyd oorspoel. Hierdie uiters subtiele postmoderne “herverwoording” van die Evangelie staan bekend as die Ontluikende Kerk (Emerging Church), en is besig om in ‘n toenemende mate ‘n alles omvattende paradigma verskuiwing in elke faset van die Christendom teweeg te bring.
by Carol Brooks
One has to assume from that the fact that Warren favorably mentions Brian McLaren and his books on his site, that he he has actually read these books, and that he is actually familiar with McLaren’s beliefs.
by Lighthouse Trails Research Project
Youth Specialties President says that Christianity is an eastern religion.
by Various
“Going to heaven is like going to Philadelphia…. There as many ways…. It doesn’t make any difference how we go there. We all end up in the same place.”
Tony Campolo
Contemplative spirituality is an extremely dangerous practice for any person who desires to live a biblical, God-centered life. It is most commonly associated with the Emerging Church Movement, which is riddled with false teachings. It is also used by many different groups that have little, if any, connection with Christianity.
by Ken Silva
“…and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.” (Romans 8:8-9, NASB)
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