by Ray Yungen
Contemplative advocates propose that there has been something vital and important missing from the church for centuries… something necessary for their spiritual vitality. That implies that the Holy Spirit has been fully effective for hundreds of years, and that the secret key that unlocks our knowledge of God has yet to be been found ….
by Berit Kjos
This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ did for his. It’s that good!” Eugene Peterson, author of The Message (Front cover endorsement)
by Pastor Larry DeBruyn
Those promoting contemplative or listening prayer refer to Psalm 46:10 as a biblical endorsement for pursuing this spiritual discipline. As a precondition for experiencing Soul-to-soul communication from God, they advocate quietude for personal communiation with God.
by Dave Hunt
The latest occult scam to capture the imagination of the West is called The Secret. The book by that name, a top New York Times bestseller, has quickly sold more than 6 million copies and the DVD over 2 million copies. Both contain numerous errors, misrepresentations, false premises, and false promises. Who cares? You should. With the following information, you could rescue someone from hell.
by Dave Hunt
According to Rhonda Byrne, author of the book The Secret you can have anything you want: happiness, health and wealth… You can have, do, or be anything you want. Whatever thought (health, wealth, disaster, gain, loss, joy ,etc.) you holdin your mind, you will attract to yourself as a reality of your life.This is made possible by “The law of attraction”.
The latest occult scam to capture the imagination of the West is called The Secret. The book by that name, a top New York Times bestseller, has quickly sold more than 6 million copies and the DVD over 2 million copies. Both contain numerous errors, misrepresentations, false premises, and false promises.
by McMahon, T.A.
The “seeker-friendly,” or “seeker-sensitive,” movement currently taking a host of evangelical churches by storm is an approach to evangelizing through application of the latest marketing techniques.
by Marcia Montenegro
The title of this best-selling book means what it says: the author has recorded in words conversations held between him and a being he calls God. I purchased the book and read it. It covers a wide range of topics which cannot all be presented here, so only the most striking points will be addressed.
by lighthousetrailsresearch
Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch in his “conversations with God”
by Berit Kjos
“The premiere of Harry Potter the movie will lead to a whole new generation of youngsters discovering witchcraft and wizardry….Increasing numbers of children are spending hours alone browsing the internet in search of Satanic websites and we are concerned that nobody is monitoring this growing fascination.” Peter Smith, general secretary of the British Association of Teachers and Lecturers.
by David J. Meyer
I am writing this urgent message because I was once a witch. I lived by the stars as an astrologer and numerologist casting horoscopes and spells. I lived in the mysterious and shadowy realm of the occult. By means of spells and magic, I was able to invoke the powers of the “controlling unknown” and fly upon the night winds transcending the astral plane.
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