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Law and Grace

by Don Esposito

When you talk about the great falling away, there is no greater deception perpetrated by Satan than law and grace. It is the most foundational, yet misunderstood, teaching in the body of Messiah today.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Cheap Grace vs. Costly Grace

by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church. We are fighting today for costly grace. Cheap grace means grace sold on the market like cheapjacks’ wares. The sacraments, the forgiveness of sin, and the consolations of religion are thrown away at cut prices.

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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

by Michael Morrison

Jesus had an amazingly productive ministry, teaching and healing thousands. He attracted large crowds and had potential for much more. He could have healed thousands more by travelling to the Jews and Gentiles who lived in other areas. The Old Testament tells us that God appeared as a human being on several occasions. If Jesus wanted only to heal and teach, he could have simply appeared. But he did more: he became a human. Why? So he could die. To understand Jesus, we need to understand his death. His death is part of the gospel message and something all Christians should know about.

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The Crucifixion of Jesus

by  All About Jesus Christ    
Crucifixion sometimes began with a scourging or flogging of the victim’s back. The Romans used a whip called a flagrum, which consisted of small pieces of bone and metal attached to a number of leather strands.

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Journey into eternity – search for immortality

by Grant R. Jeffrey

Will we live again? Or, does our life end forever at the grave? If we live again, what is the nature of our existence when this life on earth is through? Will we retain our memories and will we remember our personal identity from this life?

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How were Jews saved in the Old Testament?

by John Hendryx

Between the fall of Adam and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, how were the Jews’ sins atoned for? Was there true salvation as we know it in NT times? Also, if the Law doesn’t save, how did it ‘work’ for OT believers? Were they trusting in Messiah and didn’t know it?

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Backsliding from the True Jesus

by Prof. Johan Malan   
March 2013

The world is under strong pressure to turn their backs on the true Christ of the Bible in order to advance a multireligious receptiveness to the appearance of the false Christ of all faiths. The coming Messiah-King of the deceived world will be the Antichrist, the great adversary of the true Christ.

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The Creation – The Ebla Tablets

by Josh D. McDowell

The opening chapters of Genesis (1-11) are typically thought to be mythological explanations derived from earlier versions of the story found in the ancient Near East.  But this view chooses only to notice the similarities between Genesis and the creation stories in other ancient cultures.  If we can propose derivation of the human race from one family plus general revelation, some lingering traces of the true historical account would be expected.  The differences are more important.  

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