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The Flood of Noah

by Josh McDowell

As with the creation accounts, the flood narrative in Genesis is more realistic and less mythological than other ancient versions, indicating its authenticity.

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Sodom and Gomorrah

by Josh D. McDowell

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was thought to be spurious until evidence revealed that all five of the cities mentioned in the Bible were in fact centers of commerce in the area and were geographically situated as the Scriptures describe.  The biblical description of their demise seems to be not less accurate. 

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The word antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews. The Holocaust, the state-sponsored persecution and murder of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945, is history’s most extreme example of antisemitism.

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Declaring War on Anti-Semitism

by Christian Friends of Israel

The escalation of anti-Semitism in today’s world should be a wake-up call to Christians who love Israel and the Jewish people. We are faced with the reality that hatred for Israel and her people is now the highest since that time.

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A history of hurt

by Rev. Bill Adams

Why the Jews? Why are they so hated? Why are they so hunted? What is the problem with this group that has generated so much anger and venom – even to the point of anti-Semitism taking on a largely “Christian” identity (i.e. Christian anti-Semitism)?

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The Fur Industry


Whether it came from an animal on a fur farm or one who was trapped in the wild, every fur coat, trinket, and bit of trim caused an animal tremendous suffering—and took away a life.

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Fighting the Fur Trade

by Care For The Wild

Care for the Wild conducted two investigations into the Chinese fur industry, uncovering devastating evidence of brutality and animal suffering.

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A Jewish Approach To Animal Cruelty

by Zvi Kaplan

Moral and legal rules concerning the treatment of animals are based on the principle that animals are part of God’s creation toward which man bears responsibility. Laws and other indications in the Pentateuch and the rest of the Bible make it clear not only that cruelty to animals is forbidden but also that compassion and mercy to them are demanded of man by God.

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שאלה: מדוע רובם של היהודים דוחים את ישוע כמשיח?

by William Dumbrell

שאלה: מדוע רובם של היהודים דוחים את ישוע כמשיח?

תשובה: יהודים דחו את ישוע כיוון שעל פי ראות עיניהם הוא לא קיים את מה שהם ציפו מהמשיח לקיים. להרוס את כל הרע ולהכחיד את אויבי ישראל, כמו לדוגמה הרומאים באותה תקופה, ואז להקים את מלכותו כשעם ישראל שולט ביחד איתו. הנבואות בישעיהו ובתהילים 22 מתארים את המשיח הסובל אשר נרדף ומת, אולם העם בחר להתמקד רק בנבואות שמדברות על משיח מנצח לא נצלב.

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