by United Nations Human Rights
June 14, 2021
UN human rights experts said today they were extremely alarmed by reports of alleged ‘organ harvesting’ targeting minorities, including Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims and Christians, in detention in China.
by John MacArthur
What should be your response to the homosexual agenda? Make it a biblical response – confront it with the truth that condemns homosexuality and promises eternal damnation for all who practice it. Your response to the homosexual? Confront him with the truth that condemns him as a sinner, and point him to the hope of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
by Erin Blakemore
June 4, 2019
The more than 900 passengers of the M.S. St. Louis were denied entry by immigration authorities in multiple countries in the lead-up to the Holocaust.
Nobel Peace Center
Starvation was a central strategy in the Nazi genocide against the Jews. Hitler had long been aware of the power that lay in controlling the food….
by Editors
Hitler’s ‘final solution’ came to fruition under the cover of World War II, with mass killing centers constructed in the concentration camps of occupied Poland. Approximately six million Jews and some 5 million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaust. More than one million of those who perished were children.
by Claims Conference
The Righteous Gentiles program, known as the Hassidei Umot Haolam program, was created in 1963 to aid non-Jews, now in need of financial assistance, who risked their own lives to save Jewish lives during the Holocaust.
Jesus is a real, historical person, born in the Land of Israel, during the Roman occupation, in approximately the year 3 BCE. However, at the time His name was actually pronounced, “Yeshua,” (יֵשׁוּעַ) and that is the name used in this article.
by Peter Hammond
The betrayal, arrest, trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth, was unique. It was not His actions that were in question, but His identity.
by Don Stewart
The Bible lists a number of other reasons as to why Christ died. First, it was in the eternal plan of God – it was not an afterthought. Jesus’ death was necessary to complete the plan of redemption for the sinful world.
by Nivine Richie
April 6, 2017
The real Messiah has many mimics. Some counterfeits are found in other religions, offering subscribers a lifestyle that smacks of salvation but has no power to transform lives. Other counterfeits are found within the church in philosophies that fall short of the gospel.
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