by Ed Reese
Hudson Taylor was the most widely used missionary in China’s history. During his 51 years of service there, his China Inland Mission established 20 mission stations, brought 849 missionaries to the field and trained 700 Chinese workers.
by Jake Rossen
October 2, 2018
Traveling around the Soviet Union and other Communist-ruled areas, brother Andrew would obscure hundreds of Bibles in a modified Volkswagen Beetle and talk his way through border or customs checkpoints.
by Bethany Global University
Dedicated in passionate pursuit of God’s calling on her life, Amy Carmichael has been an inspiration to many missionaries over the past 170 years.
by Michael Snyder
November 6, 2019
At one time, the elite at least attempted to conceal their boundless enthusiasm for population control from the general public, but now they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
by Carrie Gordon Earll
January 1, 2017
People living with terminal illness deserve more than the offer of a physician to facilitate their death. They merit true compassion and that’s not found in a bottle of pills. True compassion is when people come along side you in this journey.
by Lawrence A. Franklin
June 30, 2021
Iran will doubtless soon test the new Israeli PM Naftali Bennett to determine if he possesses the same independent will both to resist US pressure and to defend Israel’s vital interests as his predecessor Netanyahu did.
by Michael Snyder
August 2,2021
Unfortunately, freedom of speech on the Internet is nearly dead, and with each passing day there are even more calls for stricter censorship.
by Leo Hohmann
August 6, 2021
The separate avenues of evolving technology will eventually be merged to create a society in which everything, and every person, is digitally tracked. Not just the movement of their physical bodies, but their actions, behaviors, even their thoughts.
by Alan M. Dershowitz
May 27, 2021
The current social media have the worst of both worlds: they censor material that is neither dangerous nor necessarily false; and then permit material which is both highly dangerous and demonstrably false.
by EU Reporter Correspondent
May 7, 2021
Since 2016, there has been significant progress in the area of EU security and defence with several concrete EU initiatives to encourage co-operation and reinforce Europe’s capacity to defend itself.
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