by Amir Tsarfati
October 30, 2020
Who is the person known to us from the Bible as the Antichrist? Where will he come from? When will that be? Why are we to know these things?
by Amir Tsarfati
August 24, 2019
Amir’s teaching on the history of the satanic efforts of religions, cults, and the modern powerful elite to rule the world with “the light of Lucifer” as their guide. There is a deliberate plan and push for one leader and one-world government all around us.
by Mike Gendron
In this video, Mike Gendron, an ex-Catholic, exposes the twisted, unbiblical, and outright satanic teachings of the Catholic Church that most people are completely unaware of.
by Michael Snyder
April 1, 2023
Should we be surprised? As our society comes apart at the seams all around us, Satan and Satanism are becoming extremely popular.
by Jan Markell & Wilfred Hahn
March 4, 2023
Jan and her guest discuss the coming Central Bank Digital Currency.
by Sean Martin
The reality is that many churches have spent decades sitting on the side lines of the abortion debate, and even adopting stances on the issue in stark opposition to Biblical principles.
by Tyler Durden
January 23, 2023
The Globalists realize that the truth has hit the mainstream and far too many people are now questioning the validity of the restrictions, mandates, masks and the mRNA vaccines.
by Howard Green
January 8, 2023
Several years ago, during a Sunday morning service, I heard a young preacher tell a large gathering essentially that they were okay and God was basically pleased with them. No repentance, no brokenness, and no warning.
by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.
February 27, 2015
In the one critical minute after delivery, the baby’s body has initiated actual structural changes enabling it to survive in its radically different environment with all temporary vessels, shunts, and openings functionally closed in the first 30 minutes.
by Charles Stimson
Clinical studies reveal that long-term, moderate consumption of the drug impairs short-term memory, slows reaction time, increases the risk of heart attack, and can result in birth defects, strokes, and damage to the respiratory system and brain.
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