by Lighthouse Trails Editors
June 16, 2018
As the Word of God becomes less and less important, the rise in mystical experiences escalates, and these experiences are presented to convince the unsuspecting that Christianity is about feeling, touching, smelling, and seeing God. The postmodern mindset is the perfect environment for fostering Spiritual Formation.
by Marc Verhoeven
In their attempts to be relevant, many preachers, teachers, counselors, and writers promote a psychological perspective of life rather than a Biblical one.
by Faith Defenders
Buddhism Unmasked tells us that Buddhism is an Eastern religion that has gained many followers in the West especially among movie stars. It is only appropriate that we examine this ancient pagan religion.
by Aanchal Nigam
July 19, 2021
Thousands of racehorses are being sent to slaughterhouses in Britain and Ireland including some of the animals once owned and trained by big shots in racing, a BBC Panorama investigation has discovered.
by Lisa Appelo
Most of us know cultivating a grateful heart is good for us. But do we know just how good?
by In Plain Site
Albert Mohler, a leading theologian calls it ‘deeply subversive,’ ‘incorrect’ and downright ‘dangerous.’
by Craig Dunkley
You may be a committed Christian, secure in your faith. Or, you may be a curious person, open to Christianity, but wondering if there’s really anything to it. Regardless, you should read the following eight books.
by CRI
Jun 10, 2009
The best-selling author of The Road Less Traveled and other books on spirituality and psychotherapy claims that true salvation or mental health comes to persons — whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic, or atheist — as they set aside prejudices of the past and strive toward fulfilling their own potential to save themselves.
by Steven W. Mosher
July 12, 2021
Millions died during the Chinese civil war, which raged from the 1930s until the Communist victory in 1949. The real killing took place when Mao took total control – to eliminate any and all opposition to his totalitarian rule.
by Answers in Genesis
Dragons and Dinosaurs! Few things ignite our imagination the way these mysterious creatures do! But what is the truth behind the legends? Were dragons real? When did dinosaurs actually roam the earth? Are they mentioned in the Bible?
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