by CMF
Investigation into the origins or roots of both yoga and TM show quite clearly that these are essentially based on Hindu religious philosophy and practices going back into ancient history.
by Candice Lucey
Emotional abuse controls, intimidates, subjugates, demeans, punishes, or isolates another person without leaving bruises, but causes degradation, humiliation, or fear.
by Sean Martin
The reality is that many churches have spent decades sitting on the sidelines of the abortion debate, and even adopting stances on the issue in stark opposition to Biblical principles.
by Pastor Jannie Viljoen
The “Emerging Church,” by definition of her doctrines and re-defining of Christianity, and her subtle influence and impact she is having in just about every major Christian denomination, marks her as the “great falling away” factor in the end times church.
by Austin Ruse
The population controllers continue to make their case. They still say the world will soon starve, and that we will soon run out of natural resources, and that the planet is running out of room.
May 27, 2021
FOR SA’s video series discusses the PEPUDA Amendment Bill and its detrimental and far-reaching implications for religious freedom in South Africa. In this video, FOR SA’s Executive Director Michael Swain gives an introduction to the Bill – what it is about, why it is potentially so dangerous and punitive for religious freedom rights, and why it must therefore be opposed by every individual, denomination, church and faith-based organisation.
by Carlos Beltramo, PhD and Germán Beltramo
Hungary’s outspoken president, Victor Orban, who is probably the leading anti-Globalist in Europe is doing everything in his power to encourage Hungarians to have more children.
by Michael Snyder
June 14, 2021
A North Korean defector said she viewed the US as country of free thought and free speech – until she went to college here.
by Michael Snyder
June 6, 2021
During the ‘good times’, being extremely dependent on the rest of the world to make stuff for us wasn’t a problem, but now it is rapidly becoming a national security issue.
by Ken Ham
November 23, 2020
Ever since the elucidation of the genetic code, evolutionists have pondered how it came into existence.
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