by Steven W. Mosher
June 8, 2021
For suggesting that the China Virus came from a Wuhan lab, the censors of Silicon Valley tried to silence me.
by Steven W. Mosher
June 8, 2021
For suggesting that the China Virus came from a Wuhan lab, the censors of Silicon Valley tried to silence me.
by PRI Staff
October 5, 2010
The barbarity of excessive dictatorship.
by 12tribefilms
May 24, 2021
The truth about Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.
by Ken Ham
April 13, 2021
Canada now has an underground church. The pastor of GraceLife church in Alberta, Canada, was arrested and spent over a month in a maximum-security prison. But the government tyranny continues despite not a single case of COVID–19 being traced to that church in the months they’ve been open.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
March 31, 2021
Ray Yungen explains what contemplative prayer is and how it is drawing from the same wells as Eastern mysticism. He discusses the teachings of Richard Foster, the man who initiated the practice of contemplative prayer into the evangelical church.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
March 29, 2021
Ten years ago, Roger Oakland wrote an open letter to evangelical pastors beseeching them to turn away from false teachings, complacency, and ecumenicalism and stand true to God’s Word in these last days. Although Roger is no longer in active ministry, his words and warnings are as relevant today as they were a decade ago – perhaps even more so.
by Harbingers Daily
March 22, 2021
Deaths by euthanasia and assisted suicide in the state of Victoria, Australia, have almost doubled in the region since their legalization.
by Harbingers Daily
March 31, 2021
Twenty four world leaders have signed a letter calling for more globalism to combat future pandemics, citing the the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to consign nationalism to the dustbin of history.
by Gavin Cox
February 4, 2021
The jump of the Longitarsus anchusae beetle was measured at 289 times its body length! Another species, Psylliodes affinis, experiences g-forces of up to 266g during take-off. Astronauts normally experience a maximum of 3g in a rocket launch and fighter pilots can sustain no more than 9g for more than a few seconds.
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