by Nathan Jones
December 10,2020
The problem of evil is an age-old question. Many Atheists claim that the presence of evil and suffering has been their stumbling block when it comes to embracing theism or the Christian faith in particular.
by Jack Houghton
August 5, 2020
A disturbing movement to reform capitalism is gaining traction by those using the coronavirus tragedy to call for ‘The Great Reset.’
by Jack Houghton
August 5, 2020
A disturbing movement to reform capitalism is gaining traction by those using the coronavirus tragedy to call for ‘The Great Reset.’
by Bloomberg
November 2020
The Travel Pass will display test results together with proof of inoculation, as well as listing national entry rules and details on the nearest labs, according to IATA. The app will also link to an electronic copy of the holder’s passport to prove their identity.
by Mark Dever
July 4, 2017
It is legitimate for us to make and fulfill many commitments in life other than evangelism. But do our other commitments sometimes become so numerous – or do we interpret them so – as to leave no time for evangelism?
by Dave Williams
February 17, 2020
Yoga – any brand of yoga – makes you move away from the one true God of the Bible and pulls you toward a counterfeit god while deceiving you into believing you are ‘connecting’ with the true God.
by Tony Pearce
October 2020
2020 – Covid 19 and world crisis. What next? Limits to freedom. The Global Reset. The Mark of the Beast.
by Tony Pearce
October 2020
2020 – Covid 19 and world crisis. What next? Limits to freedom. The Global Reset. The Mark of the Beast.
by Tony Pearce
Coming economic crisis and the rise of the 666 system. Prince Charles calls for the ‘Global Reset’ as environmental disasters hit the earth. Brothers all for the Pope. Another way to the New World Order. Chernobyl revisited.
by Tony Pearce
November 19, 2020
Why Trump has to go. Globalism and the next Middle East war. Fighting Covid and losing liberty.
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