by Big Daddy Weave
I don’t understand the sorrow but You’re calm within the storm. Sometimes the weight is overwhelming but I don’t carry it alone.
by New Life Exchange
October 25, 2019
The mask of religion is rejecting the authentic power of God. We substitute form for substance and appearance for genuine godliness. We are satisfied with our external religion of which none are sufficient and all are rejected by God. None lead to eternal life.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
November – December 2020
One moment America was sitting on top of the world enjoying one of the greatest economic revivals in history. Then, in what seemed like a moment’s notice, we plunged into economic, social and political chaos.
by New life exchange
The last book of the Bible records the irreversible consequences awaiting those rejecting God’s love. The love of which we speak is so beautifully demonstrated in Christ atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus took upon himself the punishment for our sins and suffered the crucifixion in our place.
by One For Israel Staff
The biblical feasts are prophetic. Yeshua speaks of the ultimate wedding at the end of time in Matthew 22, and John’s Revelation pulling back the curtain on the best and most joyous wedding feast humanity has ever known.
by One For Israel Staff
The biblical feasts are prophetic. Yeshua speaks of the ultimate wedding at the end of time in Matthew 22, and John’s Revelation pulling back the curtain on the best and most joyous wedding feast humanity has ever known.
by Chris Patten
September 29, 2020
Countries ought to band together and stand up to President Xi Jinping’s thuggish dictatorship.
by Dr. Peter Hammond
With the aid of the Soviet KGB, and the East German Stasi, Mozambique’s own security organisation, SNASP was established. SNASP set up re-education centres called Centres for Mental De-colonialisation. On Samora Machel’s first state visit to the Soviet Union, he pledged to transform Mozambique into the first truly Marxist state in Africa.
by Jewish Believer Rabbi Jonathan Bernis
December 1, 2015
The Idea of Messianic Judaism, or what some call Jewish Christianity, can be confusing to Jewish People. Many Christians who have tried to share their faith with Jewish friends, co-workers, or family members have often been met with rejection.
by Jewish Believer Rabbi Jonathan Bernis
December 1, 2015
The Idea of Messianic Judaism, or what some call Jewish Christianity, can be confusing to Jewish People. Many Christians who have tried to share their faith with Jewish friends, co-workers, or family members have often been met with rejection.
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