by Business Day
June 29, 2020
The ANC supports heinous regimes with abysmal human rights records but opposes Israel.
by Pat Fagan – Family Research Council
Pornography is a visual representation of sexuality which distorts an individual’s concept of the nature of conjugal relations. This, in turn, alters both sexual attitudes and behavior. It is a major threat to marriage, to family, to children and to individual happiness.
by Kristi Burton Brown
You can see a miniature person… as a physician… I am destroying life. – Abortionist Benjamin Kalish, MD.
by Kristi Burton Brown
Sometimes the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy are tragic. However, one tragedy is not answered with another. We do not erase a rape by killing a child. And we do not avoid all health issues by avoiding the reality of another human being.
Freedom of expression covers freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and gives individuals and communities the right to articulate their opinions without fear of retaliation, censorship or punishment.
by Tom Roberts
“The world is changing. The consensus on morality and identity has undergone a seismic shift in the last few generations. One indication of this is the sudden rise of transgender issues.
by Lainna Callentine, MD.Med
April 10, 2018
Dr. Lainna Callentine became aware at age six that her skin was a different color than other kids in class. Get her unique perspective on how we, as Christians, should talk to our kids about racial differences.
by Nathan Jones
June 6, 2020
Jesus prophesied that in the end times there would be ethnos against ethnos – race against race. With all the anti-racism riots going on here in the United States, have we reached that end times sign?
Escrito por Mark Pickering y Peter Saunders
Prácticamente todas las áreas de apologética se destacan o caen en la Biblia. Afirmamos que Jesús es la única manera porque lo dejó claro en la Biblia. También sabemos que Dios será justo con aquellos que nunca han escuchado el evangelio debido a su carácter revelado en la Biblia. Sin un registro confiable de los trabajos de Dios en la historia, nuestra fe no tiene sentido.
by Charles Henry, Jr.
Believe it or not, the idea of trying to obey God is becoming almost heretical in some Christian circles today.
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