by Hillsong Worship
I cast my mind to Calvary where Jesus bled and died for me.
by Dr. Eitan Bar
The tongue is the most powerful part of the human body. It’s also the most dangerous weapon. A sword can cut the body but a tongue can wound the soul. The tongue has power to incite hatred and start wars more than any other weapon on the planet.
by Dr Eitan Bar – One for Israel
On one hand, we’ve all seen the wave of terror sweeping Israel and the world – hatred and murder done in the name of Mohammed or in the name of Allah of Islam. On the other hand, defenders of Islam quote verses from the Koran about reconciliation and peace from the Koran.
by Dr. Eitan Bar
Joseph’s financial company turned into an internationally traded bank and the press called him Midas. When the stock market crashed his world of wealth crashed with him.
by Dr. Eitan Bar
Joseph’s financial company turned into an internationally traded bank and the press called him Midas. When the stock market crashed his world of wealth crashed with him.
by Dr. Eitan Bar – One for Israel
He was a Muslim commander in the Iranian army, full of hate for Israel, but the Jewish Messiah changed his heart to love God’s chosen people!
by One for Israel
One of many examples: Ellis Goldstien tragically lost his entire family, but found eternal hope.
by One for Israel
One of many examples: Ellis Goldstien tragically lost his entire family, but found eternal hope.
by One for Israel (Messianic Jews In Israel)
But while the people of Israel by and large missed the time of the first visitation, expecting a conquering king (definitely not a suffering servant) is today’s church in danger of making the opposite mistake?
by One for Israel (Messianic Jews In Israel)
But while the people of Israel by and large missed the time of the first visitation, expecting a conquering king (definitely not a suffering servant) is today’s church in danger of making the opposite mistake?
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