Escrito por Got Questions
¿Cómo ocurre eso? Efesios 2:8,9 declara , “Por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, pues es don de Dios; no por obras, para que nadie se gloríe”.
Escrito por Got Questions
Respuesta: El diccionario Webster define a un cristiano como “una persona que profesa creer en Jesús como el Cristo, o en la religión basada en la enseñanza de Jesús”.
Escrito por Got Questions
Respuesta: La Biblia presenta un camino claro hacia la vida eterna. Primero, debemos reconocer que hemos pecado contra Dios. En las Sagradas Escrituras leemos en Romanos capítulo 3 y el versículo 23: “Por cuanto todos pecaron, y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios”.
by Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
April 22, 2020
The United States has assessed that Iran successfully launched a military satellite into orbit for the first time on Wednesday, according to two US Defense Department officials.
撰写者: xinshengming
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by Biblical Archaelogy Society
This free eBook brings together the exciting worlds of archaeology and the Bible in ten top Biblical archaeology discoveries!
by Jewish Voice
June 19, 2018
While the history of Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus) is nearly 2,000 years old the modern Messianic Jewish movement is relatively young. The modern Messianic movement has evolved through five specific periods of recent history.
by Chosen People Ministries
Why antisemitism led to the persecution of Jews.
by Chosen People Ministries
Why antisemitism led to the persecution of Jews.
by Dr Albert Mohler
I believe Jewish evangelism is the clearest test case for faithfulness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this generation.
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