by Dr Albert Mohler
I believe Jewish evangelism is the clearest test case for faithfulness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in this generation.
by Marilyn Adamson
A brief description of the major world religions and their beliefs about God. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and New Age Spirituality and how Jesus’ teachings differs from major religions.
by Got Questions
The first love which characterized the Ephesians was the zeal and ardor with which they embraced their salvation as they realized they loved Christ because He first loved them.
by Institute in Basic Life Principles
Rekindling your ‘First Love’for the Lord.
by Fritz Chery
January 5, 2020
We always hear Christians say things like ‘I have been doing everything right.’ Why has God allowed me to go through such hard times? Does He not care about me?’
by Lindy Lowry – Open Doors
January 22, 2020
‘Christian faith is under attack and the methods of that persecution are becoming more sophisticated, and thus pose a greater threat,’ says Open Doors CEO David Curry, ‘because they have the ability to oppress on a massive scale now, and I think it’s a blueprint for others.’
by Bill Muehlenberg
March 30, 2020
The state has now officially declared war on conservative Christians.
by Newspring Church
The Holy Spirit is a person, not a force or a distant being. He directs and guides us, and our response to Him affects our relationship with Him.
by The Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger
God is not distant in the midst of struggle, nor is our faith suspended during such a time.
by BibleStudyTools
Foolish interpretations of the Bible have created the misconception that God approves of racism and slavery. This is a collection of scripture quotes exemplifying God’s command to ‘judge not by appearance, but judge by right judgment.’ Read these powerful Bible verses relating to the context of racism and prejudice.
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