by Housefires / Chris Tomlin
A song about God being a good and perfect Father, and us finding our identity in being His child.
by Mercy Me
A song about continuing to trust God even if He doesn’t save us (similar to the prayer of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace in Daniel 3).
by Dr. David R. Reagan
Jesus was saying that the closer we get to the time of His return, the more frequent and intense the signs will become.
by Michael Snyder
January 14, 2020
There have always been earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but for most of our lives we have been able to assume that our planet is generally stable. Unfortunately, that is no longer a safe assumption.
by Marty Troyer
The following is a list of ways congregations, and more specifically you as a member of a congregation, can love any and all who walk through your doors.
by Amanda K. Fowler
July 17, 2017
Prioritizing marriage and family isn’t a bad thing. But a church environment that constantly reinforces the idea that marriage and children are both the ideal and the goal of life conveys an unbiblical message to everyone, not just singles.
by Errol Naidoo
UNESCO controlled Department of Basic Education meeting with religious and traditional leaders descends into boo’s, jeers and mockery of Christian leaders’ concerns with Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
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