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The Globalist plan is lining up exactly how the Bible foretold

 by Ken Mikle
October 28, 2022

In this new world order, your location, what you buy and sell, who you are with, how far you drive, how much food you buy, how long you work, your current health condition, and how much electricity you use; in other words, there will be no personal information that your government will not be able to get access to.

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The Bible and Science

by Tony Pearce
September 7, 2022

Jeremiah is writing over two and a half thousand years ago and said, ‘the stars are uncountable’. That made no sense to him when he said it because he could look up at the night sky and see pretty much the same stars we see now, which is about 3 000.

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Christianity, Antisemtism and the Holocaust


During the Holocaust and the decades that preceded it, Christian clergy often stressed the same themes as the Nazis, notably with respect to the Jews being “parasitic” capitalists exploiting Christians, as well as communists seeking to overthrow the governments and traditional Christian values of Europe.

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Why Andrew Brunson never heard from God in prison

by Lindy Lowry
September 7, 2021

As the leader of a small Christian church in Turkey for 25 years, Andrew never expected to be standing before a Turkish court facing multiple charges, including espionage and terrorism, and a collective sentence of 35 years.

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