by Caryl Matrisciana
People in the West have been deceived into thinking that yoga is the art of living; but to people in the East, it is the art of dying.
by Tony Pearce
October 17, 2017
Interest in Kabbalah crosses the great Israeli divide of secular and religious. Melilah Helner who teaches Zohar at the Hebrew University says enrolment has tripled over the past five years.
by Tony Pearce
October 17, 2017
Interest in Kabbalah crosses the great Israeli divide of secular and religious. Melilah Helner who teaches Zohar at the Hebrew University says enrolment has tripled over the past five years.
by Bible Info
Channeling is a method of trying to communicate with the spirit world that has existed since antiquity. Most modern channelers learn the art through the practice of Eastern meditation.
by Spiritual Research Network
In the Jesus Calling series Sarah Young’s ‘Jesus’ refers to himself with hundreds of different names. He opts for creative names that are not in the Bible but can be found in mythology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Theosophy, New Thought, New Age, psychic literature, and modern culture.
by Wayne Jackson
The ‘New Age’ phenomenon of recent years has provided fresh impetus to the occult concept that the living, somehow, are able to communicate with those who have died.
by Matt Slick
Christian Science denies the essential doctrines of Christianity and it also completely reinterpreted the Bible.
by Got Questions
Among the main beliefs held by followers of New Thought is the assertion that ‘true human self-hood is divine’. Within this we see the original lie that Satan told man: through knowledge of good and evil ‘you will be like God’.
by Tony Pearce
December 2019
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) pushes for laws on Islamophobia in the West which if applied will end our freedom to debate the truth of beliefs based on the Bible as opposed to those based on the Koran.
by Ryan Turner
Mormons frequently claim that many “plain and precious truths” have been removed from the Bible. What these “plain and precious truths” exactly are we are not told.
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