by Shannon Ebrahim
August 25, 2019
We may have plenty of challenges as a country, but what few of us fully appreciate is the pivotal role our media plays, and just how free and robust the South African media is when compared to other countries.
by Doctors for life
October 16, 2019
Dr De Vos, who is a member of Doctors For Life, has been charged by the HPCSA for advising that unborn children are human life. He has also been barred from practising for more than two years now without any form of hearing.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
September 24, 2019
Many of the sons and grandsons of evangelicals are under the influence of Richard Rohr – who is panentheistic, New Age-sympathizing, and a mystic.
by Don Pinnock
October 16, 2019
By the stroke of a legislative pen, a list of iconic and in some cases endangered wild animals can now be manipulated as farming stock. What happens next is anyone’s guess. The act deals mainly with licencing of commercial use of listed or threatened species.
by Barbara J. King
October 24, 2017
Animal videos are shared online nowadays at a pace that can be overwhelming. Once in a while, though, a video offers a unique and unforgettable message.
by CBS
October 3, 2019
A new report from the Mayo Clinic finds that whatever these e-cigarette users inhaled burned their lungs with chemicals as toxic as an industrial accident.
by Michael W. Smith
Your plans are still to prosper
You have not forgotten us
You’re with us in the fire and the flood
You’re faithful forever.
by Matt Slick
The Bible is the foundation for witnessing and you must memorize verses to be able to use it – this applies to your devotional life as well as witnessing.
by Matt Slick
The Bible is the foundation for witnessing and you must memorize verses to be able to use it – this applies to your devotional life as well as witnessing.
by Henry M. Morris, PH.D.
Evolution has been called, “God’s method of creation”; and the Genesis record of the six days of creation has been reinterpreted in terms of the evolutionary ages of historical geology.
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