by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PH.D.
July 31, 2019
Bats use an incredibly complex form of echolocation to locate prey in the dark. They constantly emit and sense sound waves to accurately pinpoint the exact locations of moving targets.
by Frank Sherwin, M.A.
July 11, 2019
It seems these tiny invertebrates – small-brained insects, mind you – have been designed with the extraordinary ability to reason and learn.
by Jacob Mchangama
February 28, 2019
The U.N. should and must fight racism and hate speech. But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.
by Jacob Mchangama
February 28, 2019
The U.N. should and must fight racism and hate speech. But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.
by Jacob Mchangama
February 28, 2019
The U.N. should and must fight racism and hate speech. But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.
by Allen S. Nelson IV
If you don’t shape your children, with God’s help, the world will.
by Michael Brown
August 28, 2019
Arrests, brutal interrogations, imprisonments, disruption of meetings, beatings, destroying of “unauthorized” Bible and Christian books are increasingly common.
by Rachel Alexander
March 27, 2019
Political correctness regarding free speech has gone too far. At first it took the form of just criticism. Now, it’s becoming a crime in civilized countries to say politically incorrect things.
by Calvin Smith
November 3. 2015
Evolution is a shield which many hide behind to protect themselves from the idea of a Creator God which they would then have to be accountable to.
by Calvin Smith
November 3, 2015
Evolution is a shield which many hide behind to protect themselves from the idea of a Creator God which they would then have to be accountable to.
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