by Deborah Laker/The Washington Stand
August 24, 2022
In 2021, the American Worldview Inventory released data analyzing the top 10 most prevalent “seductive unbiblical ideas” embraced by American adults. With contemporary culture becoming more secular, belief systems divergent from Scripture are not surprising.
by Tony Pearce
A correspondent to Prophecy Today said that after watching the pagan ceremony in Birmingham: ‘I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and am still grieving over the occult obeisance demonstrated at this travesty’.
by Rowan Polovin
August 25, 2022
Because of Israel, we’re no longer the Jews of trembling knees. We’re prepared to fight for our survival as Jews because of her miraculous survival. We’re proud Zionists with a thriving Jewish state.
by Family Policy Institute – Errol Naidoo
A video by GBN news once again shines the light on growing attempts by sexual rights activists to normalise paedophilia in the mainstream media and popular culture. Described as “an insidious creep towards normalising sexual contact with children,” a “sex therapist” attempts to normalise “minor attracted persons” in an interview viewed 2,5 million times.
by Douglas Blair/Daily Signal
August 24, 2022
It seems Canadian officials are more interested in urging doctors to help patients to kill themselves than to treat them.
by JB Shurk/Gatestone Institute
August 27, 2022
First, individual liberties will continue disappearing. Then, the greatest economic engine of all, innovation, will dry up. Finally, wealth will return solely to the hands of a small “ruling class” minority. This is the future the World Economic Forum hails as “progress.” It is not. It is a recipe for human bondage.
by Helen van Huyssteen
Israel’s triumph over the nations of the world is the main theme, not only of the Old Testament but the whole Bible. Unfortunately many Christians believe that the Church has permanently replaced the Jews as the recipients of the blessings promised by God to Abraham in Genesis 12: 2-3.
by Nathan E. Jones
Jesus’ return is a promise made by God. It is a promise found so prolifically in the Bible that you can read about His second coming in nearly 500 prophecies of the Old Testament and one out of 25 verses in the New Testament.
by Paul David Washer
August 12, 2013
At the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ which is translated, ‘My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?’ – Mark 15:34
by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz
July 1 2022
This resolution by the Presbyterian Church, with its plethora of antisemitic tropes, crosses all acceptable boundaries and descends into full-blown Jew-hatred, that will only incite and fuel further violence against Jews.
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