by Dimension Data
May 8, 2018
Global technology giants, Dimension Data and Cisco, announced that they are expanding their anti-poaching Connected Conservation programme into Zambia, Kenya, and Mozambique to continue protecting rhino, as well as help fight the war on the startling numbers of African savanna elephant being poached.
by Ray Yungen
June 14, 2019
The Desert Fathers believed as long as the desire for God was sincere – anything could be utilized to reach God. If a method worked for the Hindus to reach their gods, then Christian mantras could be used to reach Jesus.
by Ray Yungen
June 14, 2019
The Desert Fathers believed as long as the desire for God was sincere – anything could be utilized to reach God. If a method worked for the Hindus to reach their gods, then Christian mantras could be used to reach Jesus.
by Roger Oakland
Numerous prominent Christian leaders are telling the Christian masses that paying attention to the signs of our times in light of the Bible is a waste of time and that those who believe what Bible prophecy says about the end of the age are negative and self-centered.
by Tony Pearce
Stalin, Hitler and Mao could only dream about: The flawless totalitarian state, powered by digital technology, where the individual has nowhere to flee from the all-seeing eye of the Communist state.
by Tony Pearce
Because radical Hindu nationalists view followers of Jesus as alien to the nation, all Christians in India are suffering persecution. Driven by a desire to cleanse their country from Islam and Christianity, nationalists do not shy away from using extensive violence to achieve their goals.” – Open Doors
by Tony Pearce
A real threat is posed to schools from organisations such as Mermaids. They implement a new ideological tyranny – and any disagreement is at best silenced and at worst, punished. The number of children confused about their sex and gender and seeking treatment is escalating.
by Tony Pearce
‘Progressive’ educational thinking fits in with a humanist/Marxist view that bad behaviour is not the result of something wrong in human nature, but something wrong in the environment and social system.
by Michael Brown
June 26, 2019
There are some things so wrong that we cannot allow ourselves to get used to them. We must always be outraged over them. We can never accept them as the new status quo. The drag queen assault on our children is one of those things.
by Michael Brown
June 26, 2019
There are some things so wrong that we cannot allow ourselves to get used to them. We must always be outraged over them. We can never accept them as the new status quo. The drag queen assault on our children is one of those things.
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