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The earth has wobbled

by Tony Pearce
July 2018

The elders of the Inuit people (Eskimos) who live in the Arctic regions of North America have reported to NASA that the earth has ‘wobbled’ or shifted on its axis and that the ‘sky has changed.’

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World on red alert

by Tony Pearce
October 2018

What is clear is that we are seeing an increase in extreme weather events, heatwaves, droughts and floods and storms. The Bible indicates such things happening will be a feature of the last days of this age. It also implies that human mismanagement of the planet will play a part in this situation.

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Why the left mocks the Bible

by Dennis Prager
May 13, 2019

Any video defending America or Israel inevitably receives many negative responses. But no videos elicit the amount of contempt and mockery that videos defending religion, explaining the Bible or arguing for God do.

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The impact of technology on the developing child (2)

by Cris Rowan
December 2017

Parents, teachers and therapists should help society “wake up” and see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child’s physical, psychological and behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships.

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The impact of technology on the developing child

by Cris Rowan
December 2017

Parents, teachers and therapists should help society “wake up” and see the devastating effects technology is having not only on our child’s physical, psychological and behavioral health, but also on their ability to learn and sustain personal and family relationships.

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