by Raymond Ibrahim
April 14, 2019
Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols. There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators. Not a word, not even the slightest hint that could in anyway lead to the suspicion of migrants.
by J. Lee Grady
May 2019
The world tells us that ending a relationship is as easy as hitting the “unfriend” button. But when I read the Bible, I don’t see any room for outrage, resentment, intolerance or unfriending.
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
January 10, 2019
My first response is often to hold a grudge, replaying and rehearsing the offense, and then recollecting all the thoughtless things that person has said or done to me.
There are lots of ways you can do your bit to help lonely or socially isolated elderly people in your community. The person you’re helping will reap health benefits, and you’ll find you will as well.
by Messianic Rabbi Loren
Here are five arguments for the existence of a personal God who wants us to be in a right relationship with Him and have meaningful lives that will last beyond this life.
by Messianic Rabbi Loren
Here are five arguments for the existence of a personal God who wants us to be in a right relationship with Him and have meaningful lives that will last beyond this life.
by Henry M. Morris IV
April, 30, 22019
In Genesis 1 God commanded humans to have dominion over Earth. We have the responsibility to be caretakers of creation.
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D
April 30, 2019
Biblical creation helps glorify God by admitting that He performed the true miracle of creation in six days only thousands of years ago.
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D
April 30, 2019
These six biological evidences provide ample support for a young earth. There are numerous examples in every arena of science, and more are discovered each year.
Dozens of wild pigs ranging in age from about 4 weeks to 6 months old were captured and trucked in for the Bacon Bash event, which involved chasing them around an arena, grabbing them, and stuffing them into sacks, as they struggled and screamed in fear. The pigs were slated to be slaughtered and barbecued after the event.
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