by Y-Jesus
Where did the idea of Hell come from, and is it truly biblical?
by Walter Martin
We must clearly understand that Christ’s role in Scripture is twofold. He is both the suffering servant and He is the coming King.
by Walter Martin
There are both do’s and don’ts when it comes to witnessing to cultists. Following are a few that I’ve learned over the years.
by Roger Oakland
From a biblical perspective, we are living at a period of history that was prophesied thousands of years ago. The signposts are everywhere.
by Dr. Steven C. Riser
Freedom is not the right to do what you want, but the power to do what you ought.
by Eric Lyons, M.Min.
On day one God made intrinsic light; on day four He made the generators of light.
by Eric Lyons, M.Min.
According to evolutionist Bill Butler, “The greatest geologic fiction that the Creationists adhere to is Noah’s Flood”. The idea that water ever covered the entire Earth, including the highest hills and mountains, supposedly is unthinkable (and impossible).
by Eric Lyons, M.Min.
In his February 12, 2009 debate with Kyle Butt, Dan Barker alleged that he “knows” the God of the Bible cannot exist because “there are mutually incompatible properties/characteristics of the God that’s in this book.[the Bible]
by Christian Assemblies International
Every man who wants to be a leader should know that the best possible place he could imagine for this training is in his own family. These verses teach us that a stable, secure family, led by a man who knows how to practise his fatherhood, is the basis for every important job in the Lord.
by Christian Assemblies International
Every man who wants to be a leader should know that the best possible place he could imagine for this training is in his own family. These verses teach us that a stable, secure family, led by a man who knows how to practise his fatherhood, is the basis for every important job in the Lord.
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