by Dr. Gregory Reid
August 11, 2018
So many Christians are bound by a “rapture mentality” that they have consistently failed to see the wolves at the gate. This is not about theology, but about being prepared. And we are not.
by Lindy Lowry
February 7, 2019
In North Korea the state uses the country’s brutal and intricate penal system as a fear tactic. Anyone who is discovered to be a Christian or is perceived as a ‘threat’ to the spread of the Kim family’s ideology is quickly eradicated from society into detention centers, re-education camps and maximum-security hard labor prison camps where political prisoners are often sent.
by Lindy Lowry
March 4, 2019
Chinese authorities are now taking steps in rural areas of China to intensify the ongoing crackdown on Christian house churches. The Chinese Communist Party is reportedly resorting to offering monetary rewards to anyone who spies on a neighbor or even family member and reports a group of believers to authorities.
by Cathy Timm
If I live a faithful, overcoming life in obedience to God’s Word then I can meet death with joy and peace. Death is nothing to be feared for anyone who is a disciple of Jesus.
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
March 14, 2019
What should we do when we need help and feel like a burden to those we love? Or how should we respond when we are exhausted caring for others?
by Paul Benware
August 1, 2018
The great question for each is, ‘am I religious or righteous?’ There really is a big difference.
by Bob Kirkland, D.D.
John Calvin taught that God will be glorified by bringing billions of people into this world for no other purpose than having them burn in Hell for eternity. This alone depicts a view of God found nowhere in Scripture; in essence, this misrepresents God but also creates a a platform upon which ‘another gospel’ has been built that is both fatalistic and makes the sacrifice of Christ no longer freely available to ‘whosoever may come.’
by Anonymous
I gave you life but cannot live it for you
I can teach you things but I cannot make you learn
by Erin Hughes and Lita Cosner
Go on adventures with the James family as they learn about how the Bible has answers for all of our biggest questions! Listen in on their ‘family lessons’ to find out: Why are there thorns and prickles? Are all people really related to each other? Do miracles happen? etc.
by One for Israel
Romans 11 teaches that Gentiles can be included and grafted in equally, alongside Israel. Ephesians shows how the Gentile believer is welcomed into a new home, one they have never been to before, but they are now warmly invited in as family.
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