by Drug-free World
The best way to convey the truth about drugs is through the words of those who have “been there.” By telling their stories, they can pass on what they have learned so others avoid going down the same path.
by Drug-free World
Some consider kratom just as dangerous as heroin and meth. But what is it?
by notodrugs
Vaping – the inhaling of aerosol through devices- is intended to solve old problems, but is creating new ones. The aerosol contains fine particles with varying amounts of toxic chemicals.
by Crown Financial Ministries
One of the great mysteries of Christianity is contentment. At least one must presume it is a mystery, because so few people live it. Yet contentment is not something that’s found; it is an attitude.
by Peter R. Breggin M.D.
The brains of children and young adults are still growing, and all psychiatric drugs are neurotoxins that interfere with the normal maturation of the brain. We have no drugs to improve the functioning of the brain, only ways to harm it.
by Doug Britton
Many people, including Christians, are afraid of death or afraid of dying. In fact many people are consumed by the fear of death and dying. Or they are afraid of suffering as they die.
by WND
November 10, 2018
Alabama Associate Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker, who just weeks ago in a court opinion called the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling unconstitutional, was elected chief justice by the state’s voters.
by Paul Price
October 30, 2018
Richard Dawkins is making the news again: he has unveiled his plans to publish another book aimed at promoting atheism to children.
by Paul Price
October 30, 2018
Richard Dawkins is making the news again: he has unveiled his plans to publish another book aimed at promoting atheism to children.
by Don Stewart
The unbelieving Jews and the Romans tried without success to stop Christianity from growing. In all these efforts, however, we never find them denying Jesus’ existence. They attempted to make Him out as a deceiver and blasphemer, and by doing so, admitted that He existed.
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