July 17, 2018
I was never planning on writing about my street evangelism for fear of coming across as boastful, but both my pastor and wife thought that I should share about my recent two day excursion to and through the Florida keys.
Paul embraced trials and never ever watered down or minimized the gospel for the sake of relationships. He never put peace, friendships, comfort and worldly acceptance over the eternal truths of the gospel.
* Please note that all references to Jews refer to those who have not converted to Christianity.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? – 2 Corintians 6:14
*Please note that all references to Jews refer to those who have not converted to Christianity
by Tony Pearce
Today the major problem for the believing church is that we are being too inclusive and allowing things into the church which should not be there – low standards of morality, counterfeit spiritual experiences and the ecumenical movement opening us up to merging with Rome and even with other faiths.
by Tony Pearce
Millions of people around the world consult astrologers and horoscopes for guidance on every aspect of their lives. Astrology teaches that the positions of the stars, moon and planets exert a mysterious influence on people, places, events and things.
by Alastair Leithead, BBC News
15 August 2018
A whistle-blower has told the BBC he was the middleman between rhino-horn smugglers and a court syndicate in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province.
by S’Busiso
August 5, 2018
There is a worrying trend where witchcraft is becoming more and more prominent in dramas featuring black families.
by Monkey Child
Published March 2, 2018
Lwiro Primates, a rehabilitation center and sanctuary for nearly 200 orphaned chimpanzees and monkeys in Congo, shared a heart-melting video of a baby chimp rescue on Wednesday. In it, tiny Mussa sits in the lap of a pilot who is flying the animal from Virunga National Park to safety with Lwiro.
by Greg Corombos
July 24, 2018
In every century and in every place where there have been Muslims, there have been jihadis.
by Know The Risks
E-cigarette use poses a significant – and avoidable – health risk to young people in the United States. Besides increasing the possibility of addiction and long-term harm to brain development and respiratory health, e-cigarette use is associated with the use of other tobacco products that can do even more damage to the body.
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