Since the Court’s ruling in 1973, there have been many studies into the aftereffects of abortion. Their combined results paint a haunting picture of physical and psychological damage among millions of women who have undergone abortions.
by Living Waters
Published on January 9, 2017
Abortion destroys precious individuals who are made in the image of God. “Choice,” a riveting Spoken Word poetry video by Living Waters President, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, drives this urgent truth home, and holds up the glorious gospel as our only hope and remedy. Please watch it, and share it, for the sake of lives and souls.
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by Paul Tautges
August 7, 2015
Why must a Christian be pro-life? Here are 10 reasons.
by Melody Green
There are many families who have been waiting and desperately praying for years for the chance to adopt a child. Your child may be the answer to their prayers! Adoption is a reasonable and caring thing to do if you don’t feel you can keep your baby. If you are unable to raise your child yourself, then you have the chance to give the greatest possible gift of all – the gift of life!
by Abortions Facts
Networks of killing centers across the globe are eliminating “unwanted, unborn” children at a staggering rate. Were the context not abortion, the world would be outraged. Call it what you want, when an innocent group of human beings is targeted and exterminated by the millions, that is an injustice on par with any of history’s most egregious atrocities. At the end of the day, abortion is not only comparable to past crimes against humanity but is also, by sheer volume, the greatest holocaust of all.
by Abortion Facts
Yes, every abortion kills an innocent human being. Even more alarming is the fact that beginning at the 8th week of development, an unborn baby that is aborted feels pain during the abortion. The baby feels both psychological and real physical, organic pain. Let that sink in.
by Rolley Haggard
April 30, 2014
A recent article in “World” Magazine titled “Still-silent shepherds” summarized the top reasons evangelical pastors give for not preaching against abortion. Among them is that “preaching on the issue might politically stigmatize the pastor or politicize the pulpit, scaring seekers off.”
by Mona Charen
November 1999
The firm Kelly worked for collected fetuses from clinics that performed late-term abortions. She would dissect the aborted fetuses in order to obtain “high-quality” parts for sale. They were interested in blood, eyes, livers, brains and thymuses, among other things.
by Kerby Anderson
October 1, 2014
Kerby Anderson helps us understand that concerns about abortion are more than just a fundamentalist backlash. He reviews arguments from a Christian, biblical perspective and then introduces arguments from medical, legal and philosophical points of views as well. He concludes, “The Bible and logic are on the side of the Christian who wants to stand for the sanctity of human life.
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