by Patrick Goodenough
October 24, 2013
( – European pro-lifers celebrated a rare victory this week when the European Parliament voted not to advance a controversial draft report that would promote abortion as a human right and “regulate and monitor” conscientious objection.
by Peter Saunders
Oct 18, 2013
The most common disability for which babies are aborted in the UK is not anencephaly but Down’s syndrome. This is usually on the basis of the perceived burden that children with Down’s syndrome will impose on families and the belief that the lives of disabled children are somehow not worth living. Is this justified?
by Jonathon van Maren
Oct 18, 2013
Pro-lifers generally talk about the pre-born child’s right to life, and extrapolate our corresponding responsibility from the fact that their right to life is being denied, and brutally so, in slaughterhouses claiming to be “clinics” across North America. The pre-born child is a human, and thus entitled to human rights, we say. Thus, we must stand up and seek their protection.
by Alexander Tsiaras
This is an amazing video on human life from conception to birth using the newest x-ray scanning technology that won its two inventors the Nobel Peace Prize.
by Family Policy Institute
1 February 2009 marked the 12th anniversary of the legalization of abortion on demand in South Africa. Since former President Nelson Mandela signed the ‘Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act’ into law on 1 February 1997, more than 800 000 unborn babies were murdered in the womb.
by LifeSiteNews
There are many methods of abortion. Dr. J.C. Willke has divided the methods of abortion into three main categories: those that invade the uterus and kill the child by instruments which enter the uterus through the cervix; those that kill the preborn child by administration of drugs and then induce labour and the delivery of a dead baby; and, those that invade the uterus by abdominal surgery.
by LifeSiteNews
Birth control pills are routinely described as “contraceptives”, that is, things that prevent conception, the beginning of a new human life. But in fact birth control pills sometimes act as “abortifacients”, things that cause abortion.
by Elliot Institute
Since the Court’s ruling in 1973, there have been many studies into the aftereffects of abortion. Their combined results paint a haunting picture of physical and psychological damage among millions of women who have undergone abortions.
by LifeSiteNews
Chemical abortion can be caused by certain drugs, administered in varying ways, which act upon the hormones of the mother to create a situation in which a newly-formed human being, known as a zygote or embryo at this stage, cannot survive. Most of these chemicals are used in combination, one drug to ensure that the embryo is killed, and a second to induce contractions so that the dead embryo is expelled from the uterus of the mother.
by Dr JC Wilke
A Realtime ultrasound video tape and movie of a 12- week suction abortion is commercially available as, The Silent Scream. It dramatically, but factually, shows the pre-born baby dodging the suction instrument time after time, while its heartbeat doubles in rate. When finally caught, its body being dismembered, the baby’s mouth clearly opens wide.
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