Category: Animals and Animal cruelty





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About dogfighting

by Humane Society International
January 10, 2014

Dogfighting is a sadistic “contest” in which two dogs – specifically bred, conditioned, and trained to fight – are placed in a “pit” to fight each other for the spectators’ entertainment and gambling.

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Helping animals in the wild


There are many ways we can help animals living in the wild and save them from the harms that they face in nature. In the long term, the only way they will eventually get the help they need is by us raising awareness of the plight of wild animals and the discrimination they suffer.

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What is cage-free accountability and why does it matter?

by Humane League
June 10, 2022

Imagine standing in a tight enclosed space with four to ten of your peers, your feet painfully twisted around wire flooring. You want to stretch, but you can’t. There’s no sunlight, no fresh air, and your body is aching and exhausted. For millions of chickens worldwide, this is their reality.

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Exposed: 1,000 dogs caged in Cleveland-area Labs; PETA Exhibit shows today’s alternatives to cruel history of animal experiments

July 19, 2022

In Ohio, laboratories keep an estimated 1,700 dogs in cages, including nearly 1,000 in the Cleveland. Despite the existence today of state-of-the-art research methods, including organs-on-chips and high-speed computers programmed with human data, these dogs are force-fed drugs and used in a variety of sometimes extremely painful and even bizarre experiments.

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What every puppy owner needs to know about Parvo in puppies

by Anna Burke – American Kennel Club
May 26, 2021

The last thing any new puppy owner or dog breeder wants to hear is a diagnosis of parvo. Parvo in puppies is unfortunately a common disease with deadly consequences, which is why it is important for anyone dealing with puppies on a regular basis to be aware of the symptoms of parvo and what to do about it.

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